While loop in certain interval

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting While loop in certain interval
# 15  
Old 10-15-2013
I think RudiC's long line may have been truncated.

I also think the following may do what you want on a SunOS system, but since you didn't supply any sample of your list.txt file contents, I can't make any guarantees.
while hour=$(date +%H)
do      if [ $hour -ge 6 ] && [ $hour -lt 19 ]
        then    exit 20
        while IFS="," read group file X
        do      if [ -f "$file" ]
                then    time=$(ls -l "$file" | nawk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
                        printf "%s,%s,%s,YES\n" "$group" "$file" "$time"
                else    all_found=0
                        printf "%s,%s,NO\n" "$group" "$file" 
        done < list.txt
        if [ $all_found -eq 1 ]
        then    exit 0
        else    sleep 900

These 2 Users Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 16  
Old 10-16-2013
Thanks. Yes, it was truncated, I corrected the post.
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