Shell script that generates another shell script

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# 1  
Old 10-15-2013
Bug Shell script that generates another shell script

If there's a file called example.txt with contents:

then I need to generate a shell script that has commands to reconstruct example.txt on another machine:

echo "Foo" >> example.txt
          echo "Bar" >> example.txt
          echo "Baz" >> example.txt
          echo "Goo" >> example.txt

I use for i in * to search a directory and conduct the above operation on every file that's not binary. Suppose i points to example.txt now, as the above example shows. I used sed to extract the contents of the files line by line. The question is how to use the result extracted by sed as the argument of echo?

I tried:
number=`wc -l < $i`
          while [ $count -le $number ]
          tmp=`sed -n "$count,1p" $i`
          echo ' echo "$tmp" >> $i ' >>

Here tmp is the content of each line, but $tmp didn't evaluate in echo.

Actually the purpose of doing so is to transfer a directory containing various files and subdirectories which also contain files to another machine through simple email. Only needs to be transferred. So when the shell script is run on the other machine, the whole directory will be constructed there. I'm writing a script that can generate the script. And of course this needs to be done recursively since there're subdirectories, but ignore it for now. Thanks.

Here is a url to the full description of the task:

Last edited by Yongfeng; 10-15-2013 at 06:18 AM..
# 2  
Old 10-15-2013
Instead of generating a file that regenerate the file, why don't you just generate a copy of the file ?

If you want to copy a directory with subtree, see
tar command as well as cp or scp command (see -R and -r options)
This User Gave Thanks to ctsgnb For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-15-2013
How about this ?
$ cat test123
foo baar

$ cat

number=`wc -l < $i`
while [ $count -le $number ]
     tmp=`sed -n "$count,1p" $i`
     echo "echo $tmp >> $i" >>
     count=$(($count + 1))

$ cat
echo foo >> test123
echo bar >> test123
echo baz >> test123
echo goo >> test123
echo foo baar >> test123

This User Gave Thanks to pravin27 For This Post:
# 4  
Old 10-15-2013
actually it's a homework, so I'm supposed to do it using my own code. Thanks.

---------- Post updated at 10:00 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:00 AM ----------

thanks a lot.

---------- Post updated at 02:35 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:00 AM ----------

hi, could you pls explain why there shouldn't be a double quote in $tmp and why count=$(($count + 1)) should be used to increase count? many thanks.
# 5  
Old 10-15-2013
I'd rather use either: ((count++)) OR let count++

The double brackets sends count++ to subshell, while let does it arithmeticly (AFAIK)
# 6  
Old 10-15-2013
Homework items can only be posted in the Homework and Classwork Forum and must include the completely filled out template required when posting homework.

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