Looping in case of duplicates

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# 8  
Old 10-15-2013
Check this link as well as this one
What you are trying to do is relating to tree walk (chained list) have a look at the algorithm used to build leaf path.
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# 9  
Old 10-16-2013
Using awk:

awk -F'`~' '
function from(n,pre,i,v,x)
    if(n in T) {
       for(i=1; i<=v;i++)
          from(F[x[i]], pre "~" L[x[i]]);
    } else print substr(pre,2);
   if($3 in T) T[$3]=T[$3]","NR;
   else T[$3]=NR;
END { from("SNA") }' infile

---------- Post updated at 12:44 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:57 AM ----------

This can also be done with bash, however as associative arrays aren't supported I used a dummy number (9999) for SNA. Also bash will have tighter memory constraints so it will fail on smaller files than the awk solution:

function from()
 local pre=$2
 if [ ${#T[$1]} -gt 0 ]
     set ${T[$1]}
     while [ $# -gt 0 ]
        from "${F[$1]}" "$pre~${L[$1]}"
     echo ${pre:1}

while read line
   set ${line//\`~/ }
   [ "$3" = "SNA" ] && T[9999]="${T[9999]} $ln" || T[$3]="${T[$3]} $ln"
done < infile

from 9999

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