Incrementing parts of ten digits number by parts

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Incrementing parts of ten digits number by parts
# 15  
Old 10-10-2013
You are changing the goalposts!
Please be more accurate and specific.
I have temporarily removed the loop for obvious reasons.
Fianlly if I am misunderstanding your requirements, then my apologies...
#!/bin/bash --posix
# Create a null file for fullness IF you want to...
# > /tmp/kuku.txt
echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"
# Notice spaces are now removed as per your EDIT!!!
echo "$data1$data2$data3$data4" > /tmp/kuku.txt
cat < /tmp/kuku.txt
#for n in {1..99}
#	data4="0$n"
#	echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"
#	echo "$data1$data2$data3$data4" > /tmp/kuku.txt
#	cat < /tmp/kuku.txt
echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"
echo "$data1$data2$data3$data4" > /tmp/kuku.txt
cat < /tmp/kuku.txt
echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"
echo "$data1$data2$data3$data4" > /tmp/kuku.txt
cat < /tmp/kuku.txt

Last login: Thu Oct 10 19:35:31 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> ./
2013 10 21 00
2013 10 21 04
2013 10 21 100

# 16  
Old 10-10-2013
I got confused totally...... My number is in file kuku.txt
cat kuku.txt
According to my code it takes number from the file then compares with numbers and increment +1......But All I got from this code is 1!! Why????
I need to get 2013101006 only

n= sort /Users/Natalie/1/kuku.txt | tail -1
#echo "${n:0:4} ${n:4:2} ${n:6:2} ${n:8:2}"

echo $n

            if [ $((++firstoct)) -eq 101 ]
                   if [ $((++secondoct)) -eq 32 ]

                         if [ $((++thirdoct)) -eq 13 ]

echo $fourthoct$thirdoct$secondoct$firstoct

# 17  
Old 10-10-2013
$ cat kuku.txt
$ sh increm $(cat kuku.txt)

(Please see post #14 for the code of increm shell script as well as for the comments ... this may save you tedious date calculations : indeed : what if the month has only 30 days or 28 days ... or if it's a leap year ?)

Add some :
echo $fourthoct 
echo $thirdoct 
echo $secondoct 
echo $firstoct

In your script to control if the values are correctly setup and if their values behave as you expect

Last edited by ctsgnb; 10-10-2013 at 05:14 PM..
# 18  
Old 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by ctsgnb
$ cat kuku.txt
$ sh increm $(cat kuku.txt)

(Please see post #14 for the code of increm shell script as well as for the comments ...)

Add some :
echo $fourthoct 
echo $thirdoct 
echo $secondoct 
echo $firstoct

In your script to control if the values are correctly setup and if their values behave as you expect
I did. fourthoct 3oct 2oct 1oct gives nothing as well..... Even i said in my code that 1oct={n:8:2} etc.... I checked my n= sort /Users/yerlanrsaldin/1/kuku.txt | tail -1 it gives me 2013101005...but when I assign it to 1oct 2oct etc then here it does not work.... How i can get the value of the file in path in another way?

Last edited by Natalie; 10-10-2013 at 05:26 PM..
# 19  
Old 10-10-2013
Please provide exactly the command line you've launched in the first run and in the second run.

By the way, the run i've tried with your code when i pass


Fyi you could use printf see :
$ i=6
$ echo $i
$ printf '%02d\n' $i

# 20  
Old 10-10-2013
I found out what is probably wrong in my code. When i assign n=2013101005 instead of path in my code it works. But when I replace by path n=/Users/Natalie/1/kuku.txt (echo $n gives me 2013101005) then echo 1oct
echo 2oct ect gives me nothing. So i think
mine assign 1oct={n:8:2} 2oct {n:6:2} etc does not work here....
# 21  
Old 10-10-2013
You could check the value of $n like this (i guess you forgot what is in red below) :

n=$(sort /Users/Natalie/1/kuku.txt | tail -1)
echo $n

When you make sure the value is correct you can then remove the exit
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