Incrementing parts of ten digits number by parts

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Incrementing parts of ten digits number by parts
# 8  
Old 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by Natalie
I am not fan of awk, also dont understand it. So i will try to replace it with statements... Anyway, thank u so muchSmilie
In the future, to not waste anyone's time, please mention in your problem statement that you are not interested in AWK solutions (or that you require a sh-only solution). This same issue occurred in your other thread.

Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
Sorry I was not knowing Smilie
There is no reason for you to apologize.

This User Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
# 9  
Old 10-10-2013
Yeh Alister I really disappointed, I have one suggestion don't know its good or not...whether its possible to keep one option while posting thread that interested solution in awk, shell, perl,php,c,etc
# 10  
Old 10-10-2013
Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
I have one suggestion don't know its good or not...whether its possible to keep one option while posting thread that interested solution in awk, shell, perl,php,c,etc
If you would like to contribute code that the OP is not interested in using, feel free. I don't see why it would be a problem. The OP can simply ignore it, and your contribution may be of interest to someone else (if not in the present, then perhaps in the future).

My previous post's intent is solely to request that the OP make any restrictions known at the time that help is requested.

# 11  
Old 10-10-2013
Hello I am still working on my code..... The issue I faced is that i have to have 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 010 011 ...099 100. But my numbers are 1 2 3 4 5 ...How I can change it to different format? Moreover, my number is in the basically it reads number in file compare and increment the number and rewrite file with new number Smilie But my piece of code gives me nothing lol Smilie

for example: file kuku.txt
cat kuku.txt
after running my code
cat kuku.txt

#echo "${n:0:4} ${n:4:2} ${n:6:2} ${n:8:2}"


if [ "$(ls -A $DIR)" ] then
sort /Users/Natalie/1/kuku.txt | tail -1 |

     while read firstoct secondoct thirdoct fourthoct
            if [ $((++firstoct)) -eq 101 ]

                   if [ $((++secondoct)) -eq 32 ]
                         if [ $((++thirdoct)) -eq 13 ]

echo $fourthoct$thirdoct$secondoct$firstoct >kuku.txt
echo "Hi its new file" >kuku.txt

Last edited by Natalie; 10-10-2013 at 05:07 PM..
# 12  
Old 10-10-2013
Here is a simple starter solution...
#!/bin/bash --posix
echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"
for n in {1..99}
	echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"
echo "$data1 $data2 $data3 $data4"

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This User Gave Thanks to wisecracker For This Post:
# 13  
Old 10-10-2013
Thanks. But I kind of do not know where to add this logic to my code.....Gives me error everywhere....
# 14  
Old 10-10-2013
I have no doubt some better solution may exist but until someone shoot one ...
For sure this code can be enhanced a lot (for example adding checking conditions to ensure that the given argument is made of 10 digits) but it may give some clue (at least i hope so).
You can also put it into a function that can then be called later on.
Converting date to second , adding 1 day in second , and converting it back to date make it able to handle leap year and avoid tedious date calculations :

$ cat increm


if [ $i -ge 99 ]
then i=0
_s=$( date -u -d "$(echo $d | sed 's/../-&-/3')" +%s )
n=$(( $_s + 86400 ))
_d=$( date -u -d"1970-01-01 $n sec GMT" +%Y%m%d )
i=$(( i + 1 ))
printf "%s%02d\n" $d $i

$ sh increm 1988022899
$ sh increm 1988022999
$ sh increm 2013103099
$ sh increm 2013103100
$ sh increm 2013103199

Last edited by ctsgnb; 10-11-2013 at 05:46 PM.. Reason: Little Code improvement : replacing -eq with -ge
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