To get the files in a directory for the given date (User entered date)

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting To get the files in a directory for the given date (User entered date)
# 8  
Old 10-10-2013

Originally Posted by Chubler_XL
Do you have a C compiler available in your environment?
Unfortunately no.

In between I came across this piece of code in Google which seems to working fine in bash but not in ksh (ksh88)
find . -type f -mtime $(( ( $(date +%s) - $(date -d '2013-10-08' +%s) ) / 60 / 60 / 24 - 1 ))

In ksh m getting an error like the
flag -d is not recognized

So is there any flag in ksh to serve this purpose.
# 9  
Old 10-10-2013
Another thought is to use touch to create a file in /tmp with the date stamp and the ls -l the temp file to fetch the ls string required

Of course the column positions (44-50) will need adjusting for your ls output under AIX


printf "Enter date: "
read date


TIMEMATCH=`touch -t ${year}${month}${day}0000 /tmp/df_$$ ; ls -l /tmp/df_$$ | cut -c44-50 ; rm /tmp/df_$$`

echo "DEBUG: Timematch is \"$TIMEMATCH\""

for file in *
   ls -l "$file" | grep -q "$TIMEMATCH" && echo $file

---------- Post updated at 05:58 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:55 AM ----------

Originally Posted by ramprabhum
find . -type f -mtime $(( ( $(date +%s) - $(date -d '2013-10-08' +%s) ) / 60 / 60 / 24 - 1 ))

This the AIX date command - it doesn't support the -d option, this is why I said AIX is tricky.

I also pointed out earlier that the find mtime option will not work correctly, files created the day before the target date but later in the day than the runtime will be listed incorrectly. e.g. if you run your script at 10am for target date 2013/08/23 a file created on 2013/08/22 @ 3pm will also be found.

Last edited by Chubler_XL; 10-10-2013 at 06:03 PM..
# 10  
Old 10-13-2013

Originally Posted by Chubler_XL
Another thought is to use touch to create a file in /tmp with the date stamp and the ls -l the temp file to fetch the ls string required

Of course the column positions (44-50) will need adjusting for your ls output under AIX

printf "Enter date: "
read date
TIMEMATCH=`touch -t ${year}${month}${day}0000 /tmp/df_$$ ; ls -l /tmp/df_$$ | cut -c44-50 ; rm /tmp/df_$$`
echo "DEBUG: Timematch is \"$TIMEMATCH\""
for file in *
   ls -l "$file" | grep -q "$TIMEMATCH" && echo $file

---------- Post updated at 05:58 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:55 AM ----------

This the AIX date command - it doesn't support the -d option, this is why I said AIX is tricky.

I also pointed out earlier that the find mtime option will not work correctly, files created the day before the target date but later in the day than the runtime will be listed incorrectly. e.g. if you run your script at 10am for target date 2013/08/23 a file created on 2013/08/22 @ 3pm will also be found.
Thanks...!!! This was what I was looking for... But one problem here seems to be that it lists directory as well. I need only the filenames so I added an additional grep command with the code provided by you as given below

printf "Enter date: "
read date
TIMEMATCH=`touch -t ${year}${month}${day}0000 /tmp/df_$$ ; ls -l /tmp/df_$$ | cut -c
46-51; rm /tmp/df_$$ `
echo "DEBUG: Timematch is \"$TIMEMATCH\""
for file in *
ls -l "$file" | grep -q "$TIMEMATCH" | grep -q "^-" && echo $file

But this seems to be not working.
# 11  
Old 10-13-2013
Remove -q form first grep in pipe (-q causes no output and sets the return status so should only be used on last grep in chain):

ls -l "$file" | grep -q "$TIMEMATCH" | grep -q "^-" && echo $file

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