Grep in file and print in the line

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# 1  
Old 10-08-2013
Grep in file and print in the line


# cat test.txt
Date: 20131008                 1515
Saxx = Proc_m0_s13                       : 1640
Saxx = Proc_m0_s15                       : 1791
Saxx = Proc_m0_s17                       : 1644
Saxx = Proc_m0_s19                       : 1599
Saxx = Proc_m0_s21                       : 1715
Saxx = Proc_m0_s23                       : 1686
Saxx = Proc_m1_s1                        : 1632
Saxx = Proc_m1_s3                        : 1712
Saxx = Proc_m1_s5                        : 1574
Saxx = _SYSTEM                           : 14993
Saxx = Proc_m0_s13                       : 1864
Saxx = Proc_m0_s15                       : 1766
Saxx = Proc_m0_s17                       : 1739
Saxx = Proc_m0_s19                       : 1845
Saxx = Proc_m0_s21                       : 1941
Saxx = Proc_m0_s23                       : 1841
Saxx = Proc_m1_s1                        : 1780
Saxx = Proc_m1_s3                        : 1810
Saxx = Proc_m1_s5                        : 1720
Saxx = _SYSTEM                           : 16306

i want the output become like this :

20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s13 1640
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s15 1791
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s17 1644
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s19 1599
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s21 1715
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s23 1686
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s1 1632
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s3 1712
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s5 1574
20131008 1515 Saxx_SYSTEM 14993
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s13 1864
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s15 1766
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s17 1739
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s19 1845
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s21 1941
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s23 1841
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s1 1780
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s3 1810
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s5 1720
20131008 1515 Saxx_SYSTEM 16306

Anybody can help?
I have try :

ts=`cat test.txt  | grep Date | awk '{print $2' '$3}'`; cat test.txt | grep Saxx| awk '{print '$ts' " "$1$3" "$5}'

But not working
# 2  
Old 10-08-2013
Try something like:
awk '/Date:/{c=$2 FS $3} NR>3{print c, $1 $2, $NF}' file

This User Gave Thanks to Scrutinizer For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-08-2013

Let us say our data is in a file named get_exact_output.
Could you please use the following code.

awk '$NR==1 || /Date/ {next} sub(":",X) sub("=",Y) {print"20131008 1515 "$1 $2 " "$3}' get_exact_output

Output will bee as follows.

20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s13 1640
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s15 1791
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s17 1644
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s19 1599
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s21 1715
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s23 1686
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s1 1632
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s3 1712
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s5 1574
20131008 1515 Saxx_SYSTEM 14993
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s13 1864
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s15 1766
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s17 1739
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s19 1845
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s21 1941
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m0_s23 1841
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s1 1780
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s3 1810
20131008 1515 SaxxProc_m1_s5 1720
20131008 1515 Saxx_SYSTEM 16306

R. Singh
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