Executing shell script from desktop

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# 1  
Old 10-08-2013
Executing shell script from desktop

Hello All,

Is there a way that I can have wrapper place in my desktop and when I run it, it connect with my server and do the action.

If this can happen, Can I know how to get started

# 2  
Old 10-08-2013
You could place:
  • the script itself
  • a symlink to the script
  • a script that sources the script
  • a desktopfile which executes the script
A desktopfile could look like:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A collection of bash scripts to accomplish diffrent tasks.\n* Change plymouth\n* Change grub2 theme\n* Toggle Repo's (En-/Disable)\nand more...

If it is more about the script, then it might differ from the tools required to access/connect to the server.
If you have provided the info in ~/.netrc (machine URL login USER password PW where the capitals are your values) it could looks like this:
ftp my.domain.com<EOF
lcd /path/to/local
cd /path/remote
mput *

This would upload all files in /path/to/local to /path/remote without asking to upload/overwrite to your ftp server.

Hope this helps

Last edited by sea; 10-08-2013 at 06:03 AM..
# 3  
Old 10-08-2013
Originally Posted by sea
You could place:
  • the script itself
  • a symlink to the script
  • a script that sources the script
  • a desktopfile which executes the script
A desktopfile could look like:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A collection of bash scripts to accomplish diffrent tasks.\n* Change plymouth\n* Change grub2 theme\n* Toggle Repo's (En-/Disable)\nand more...

If it is more about the script, then it might differ from the tools required to access/connect to the server.
If you have provided the info in ~/.netrc (machine URL login USER password PW where the capitals are your values) it could looks like this:
ftp my.domain.com<EOF
lcd /path/to/local
cd /path/remote
mput *

This would upload all files in /path/to/local to /path/remote without asking to upload/overwrite to your ftp server.

Hope this helps

Do I need any extension to the script to execute from desktop, and if you can show me a sample script, it will be of great help.
# 4  
Old 10-08-2013
For 'visual' reckonize or forum compatiblity, you could use .sh for any sh or bash script. Use csh, ksh, tcsh or zsh accordingly.

All it requires is the execution flag.
Either by right-click-properties - tab: permission - Execute: owner/everyone?

Or by:
chmod +x filename

Hope this helps
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