Stdout in file

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2013
Stdout in file

I cannot figure out what is wrong.... I have 3 files with IP addresses:
I type "prob1 Oops x2x3x4". Then my code creates file with name Oops and first line x2x3x4. Moreover, my code generate IP and it gives to file Oops as a second line. In addition, my code looks at all files with IP addresses compare and give next own IP. For example, the maximum according to third and fourth oct is file3 with his IP! So I need to create Oops file with (254 is a max ) as a second line.

Last edited by Manu1234567; 10-10-2013 at 10:49 PM..
# 2  
Old 10-06-2013
You certainly need the 4th oct plus 1 in either case, i.e. in the awk code m4=$4+1
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