How to exit from the parent script while the child is running?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to exit from the parent script while the child is running?
# 1  
Old 10-04-2013
How to exit from the parent script while the child is running?


i want to call a child shell script from a parent shell script. the child will be running for 5 mins. normally when the child is running, parent will wait till the child completes. so in the above case parent will be paused for 5 mins. is there a way so that the parents does not wait for the child to complete? for example.
echo "parent starts"
. /home/program/
echo "parent completes"
echo "child starts"
sleep 300
echo "child completes"

# 2  
Old 10-04-2013
Put your child process in background using & sign at the end of the child process.
. /home/program/ &

This User Gave Thanks to pravin27 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-04-2013
Originally Posted by pravin27
Put your child process in background using & sign at the end of the child process.
. /home/program/ &

There's no point in sourcing the script if you are putting it in the background.

A background process is not executed in the current shell.
This User Gave Thanks to cfajohnson For This Post:
# 4  
Old 10-04-2013
Just backgrounding a child doesn't insure that it will not respond to HUP... so this is why the nohup command should be used on a child to ensure that it gets parented by the "init" process. If you don't use nohup, depending on what streams are left intact, you might just have a zombie parent and possibly blocked child in the end as well. Nohup is your friend.
This User Gave Thanks to cjcox For This Post:
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