Comparison of fields then increment a counter reading line by line in a file

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# 1  
Old 10-02-2013
Comparison of fields then increment a counter reading line by line in a file


i have a scenario were i should compare a few fields from each line then increment a variable based on that.

Example file

i have 3 conditions to check and increment a variable on every line
condition 1  if ( $3 =='Y' && $4==0 && $6=N)
then variable1++
cond2 if ( $3 =='Y' && $6=N)
then varable2++

Desired output:

count of variable1 and count of variable2 and

My script is pretty big which extracts data from db into a unl file then am doing this condition check and few other, only thing am not comfortable is what i have mentioned please help

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 10-02-2013 at 09:11 PM.. Reason: code tags also for data samples
# 2  
Old 10-02-2013
awk -F '|' '  $3 =="Y" && $4=="0" && $6=="N" {var1++}
                 $3 =="Y" && $6=="N"  {var2++}
                 END{print "condition 1", var1, " condition2", var2}' inputfile

Note for every cond1==true : cond2 is also true, if you meant for them to be mutually exclusive the above does not work. This will:
awk -F '|' '  $3 =="Y" && $4=="0" && $6=="N" {var1++; next}
                 $3 =="Y" && $6=="N"  {var2++}
                 END{print "condition 1", var1, " condition2", var2}' inputfile

This User Gave Thanks to jim mcnamara For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-02-2013
hey Jimm

thanks for looking at the post and repsponding

i think i confused you with cond 1 and cond2 , the thing is i have 2-3 conditions and in all instances i will have to get the count of how many times it has occurred, but i tried it prints only one value var1 and not var2 or var3

awk -F '|' '  $3 =="Y" && $4=="0" && $6=="N" {var1++; next}
                 $3 =="Y" && $6=="N"  {var2++}
                 END{print "condition 1", var1, " condition2", var2}' inputfil

Last edited by Don Cragun; 10-03-2013 at 12:21 AM.. Reason: Remove extraneous PHP tags
# 4  
Old 10-03-2013
The exclusive stuff with next in
awk -F '|' '
  $3 =="Y" && $4=="0" && $6=="N" {var1++}
  $3 =="Y" && $6=="N" {var2++}
  END {
  print "condition1", var1+0
  print "condition2", var2+0
' inputfile

This User Gave Thanks to MadeInGermany For This Post:
# 5  
Old 10-03-2013
Like this?
awk -F"|" '{
	if ($3=="Y" && $4==0 && $6=="N")
	if ($3 =="Y" && $6=="N")
	END {print "variable1=" variable1 "\nvariable2=" variable2}'  inputfil

This User Gave Thanks to jethrow For This Post:
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