Infinite looping in script

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# 1  
Old 10-01-2013
Infinite looping in script

we have one script which we use to send mail in our environment. If we are giving correct attachment script runs fine but if we give a attachment name which is not present on server then this script go to infinite loop and causing all memory to be used. could any one please suggest me what is wrong

below is the portion of script where attachment condition is defined.

#  Validate the passed arguments

while [[ $n -lt ${#PASSED_ATTACHMENTS[*]} ]];
   if [[ ! -r ${PASSED_ATTACHMENTS[$n]} ]];
      invalid_attachments="$invalid_attachments ${PASSED_ATTACHMENTS[$n]}"
      size=$(ls -al ${PASSED_ATTACHMENTS[$n]} | awk '{print $5}')
      (( attach_total_size = attach_total_size + size ))
   (( n = n + 1 ))

# Check if the size of overall attachments doesn't exceed Limit (2MB=2097152Byte)
if [[ $attach_total_size -gt $ATTACH_SIZE_LIMIT ]] ;
   msg "Attachment(s) not included due to the size larger than 2MB."
elif [[ -n ${invalid_attachments} ]];
   msg "Attachment(s), ${invalid_attachments}, not found. Aborting."

when we use wrong attachment (attachment is not present) then scripts goes to infinite loop. below is the O/P of debugging mode. in below example "/home/auto/anshu/attccc" is the file name which is not present on server.

+ attach_total_size=0
+ n=0
+ [[ 0 -lt 1 ]]
+ [[ ! -r /home/auto/anshu/attccc ]]
+ invalid_attachments=' /home/auto/anshu/attccc'
+ continue
+ [[ 0 -lt 1 ]]
+ [[ ! -r /home/auto/anshu/attccc ]]
+ invalid_attachments=' /home/auto/anshu/attccc /home/auto/anshu/attccc'
+ continue
+ [[ 0 -lt 1 ]]
+ [[ ! -r /home/auto/anshu/attccc ]]
+ invalid_attachments=' /home/auto/anshu/attccc /home/auto/anshu/attccc /home/auto/anshu/attccc'
+ continue
+ [[ 0 -lt 1 ]]
+ [[ ! -r /home/auto/anshu/attccc ]]
+ invalid_attachments=' /home/auto/anshu/attccc /home/auto/anshu/attccc /home/auto/anshu/attccc /home/auto/anshu/attccc'
+ continue

Last edited by Neo; 10-01-2013 at 05:24 PM.. Reason: Changed icode tags to code tags
# 2  
Old 10-01-2013
Delete the

This User Gave Thanks to MadeInGermany For This Post:
# 3  
Old 10-01-2013
Thanks .. it worked fine Smilie
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