awk substitution

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# 1  
Old 10-01-2013
awk substitution

Hi all,

I need some help with substitution in awk.
Is it possible to substitute field from awk output with string from file?
For example:
zcat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz | sed 's/:/;/g' | awk -F";" '{if($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/) print $36";"$37}'  


I want to substitute 2;19733248 with GSM;GSM_ABS_SUB_HLR from errors.txt file.

Thank you in advance.

Last edited by vasil; 10-01-2013 at 05:11 AM..
# 2  
Old 10-01-2013
zcat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz | sed 's/:/;/g' | awk -F";" '{if($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/) sub (2,"GSM",$36); sub(19733248,"GSM_ABS_SUB_HLR",$37); print $36";"$37}'

# 3  
Old 10-01-2013
sed 's/:/;/g' | awk -F";"

can be simplified to
awk -F ':|;'

(As usual, use nawk vs awk with Solaris).
# 4  
Old 10-01-2013
Thanks pravin27 for the prompt answer, but in this case the conditional {if($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/); doesn't work.
zcat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz | sed 's/:/;/g' | awk -F";" '{if($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/); sub(2,"GSM",$36); sub(19733248,"GSM_ABS_SUB_HLR",$37); print $36";"$37}' 


Because errors.txt is too long, is there options to calling external script or command (grep for example) inside awk in action part to get values from errors.txt?
I read about the system() function in awk but it isn't clear for me enough.

@jlliagre: Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
# 5  
Old 10-01-2013
Not clear with your requirement. Please provide some part of your input file and desire output file.
# 6  
Old 10-01-2013
zcat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz|
sed 's/:/;/g' |awk -F";" '
(NR==FNR) {A[$2]=$1 FS $3; next}
($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/) {print $36,$37,A[$37]}' errors.txt -

# 7  
Old 10-01-2013
zcat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz |  awk -F':|;' '{if($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/) print}' 

13E075CB2;    1;    2;    8;    none:none;       389123456789:1:1;       389123456789:1:1;    000000000000000;       389123456789:1:1;    284010160340741;       38988000014;    20130925075430;    20130927095618;    8;       0
;      6;      000000000000;      0;     0;    11e6b1e22;       389123456789:1:1;    284010160340741;    0:0;        35988000301;        35988000014;    2:19733248;

What i want is:
13E075CB2;    1;    2;    8;    none:none;       389123456789:1:1;        389123456789:1:1;    000000000000000;       389123456789:1:1;     284010160340741;       38988000014;    20130925075430;     20130927095618;    8;       0
;      6;      000000000000;      0;      0;    11e6b1e22;       389123456789:1:1;    284010160340741;     0:0;        35988000301;        35988000014;    GSM:GSM_ABS_SUB_HLR;

---------- Post updated at 05:03 AM ---------- Previous update was at 03:56 AM ----------

Thanks MadeInGermany,

I've tested your suggestion
cat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz|sed 's/:/;/g' |awk -F";" '(NR==FNR) {A[$2]=$1 FS $3; next}($2==1 && $10~/389123456789/) {print $0"|"A[$37]}' /tmp/errors.txt -

13E075CB2;    1;    2;    8;    none;none;       389123456789;1;1;       389123456789;1;1;    000000000000000;       389123456789;1;1;    284010160340741;       389123456789;    20130925075430;    20130927095618;
    8;       0;      6;      000000000000;      0;     0;    11e6b1e22;       389123456789;1;1;    284010160340741;    0;0;        35988000301;        35988000014;    2;19733248;|GSM;GSM_ABS_SUB_HLR

This is not exactly substitution but i think it is better to have number and explanation of the error. Thank you again.

---------- Post updated at 07:14 AM ---------- Previous update was at 05:03 AM ----------

Hi again,

In the example in previous post how can i improve the output if i have different type of errors with the same value.
For example:
zcat /SMS/CDR/cdr_TC/callLogs*_*_2013092710*.gz|sed 's/:/;/g' |awk -F";" '{if(($36==14 || $36==21)  && $37==1) print $36";"$37}'


errors.txt (Type;NumericValue;Definition)

In the other words how to check $36(type) first and then $37(value) from errors.txt?
It is not problem to change errors.txt like this:

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