Check content

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# 1  
Old 09-25-2013
Check content

I would like to write a shell script to do the following , would advise how to make it ? very thanks

1. Connect LDAP server ( Id : user , password : pass )
2. check the field "user_account_create_date" in the LDAP server , the format of data in this field in LDAP is ABC20130922 ( 22 Sep , 2013) , find the record in this field to check last 8 digits , if the date is within 7 days ( that mean the account is created within 7 days ), then do ...

could advise what to make this script ?

# 2  
Old 09-26-2013
What have you tested?
# 3  
Old 09-26-2013
may be I explain more.

I would like to modify the shell script to do the following , would advise how to make it ? very thanks

I have a script as below which connect ldap , and check if the user account is created within 7 days ( the script is not complete yet)
timestamp = `date --date="-7 days" +%Y%m%d%k%m%S`Z
ldapsearch -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,o=services -w pass -x
then ..

In LDAP server , the field "user_account_create_date" is the date of user account creation , the format of data in this field is ABC20130922 ( that mean this user was created on 22 Sep , 2013) .

What I hope to do now is to modify the above script so that "createTimestamp" get the creation date string which can be used to compare with timestamp .

could advise how to modify this script ?
very thanks

Last edited by Scott; 09-26-2013 at 06:50 PM.. Reason: Last reminder to add code tags
# 4  
Old 09-26-2013
Still not sure what you want to do. Do you want to find all users created in the last 7 days or check a given user was created recently?

Try selecting a known user and display their createTimestamp:

ldapsearch -LLL -h -p 389 -D cn=admin,o=services -w pass -x \
    "(&(objectclass=*)(CN=ust3))" cn createTimestamp

I don't know if different AD versions store these dates differently by for the AD here I get this format of timestamp
createTimeStamp: 20130925001443.0Z in which case you would need to generate a test format like this:

timestamp=`date -d -7day +%Y%m%d000000.0Z`

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