How to Split File to 2 depending on condition?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to Split File to 2 depending on condition?
# 1  
Old 09-25-2013
How to Split File to 2 depending on condition?

Hi ,

cat myfile.txt

! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.30.33 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.22.11 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.2.50 ! 3100.2.22.11 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.30.33 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.20.11 ! 
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.11.1 ! 3100.2.60.07 ! 3100.2.4.1 !

i need to split this file to 2 file , the first contains all the lines with occurrence the 3100.2.22.4 and absecne of 3100.2.22.11

and the second file contains all other lines , the result should be like below ,

! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.30.33 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.30.33 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.20.11 !

! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.22.4 ! 3100.2.22.11 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.2.50 ! 3100.2.22.11 ! 3100.2.4.1 !
! 3100.2.0.5 ! 3100.2.11.1 ! 3100.2.60.07 ! 3100.2.4.1 !

can you help me with this please

Last edited by OTNA; 09-25-2013 at 06:19 PM..
# 2  
Old 09-25-2013
Just thinking...
what if you number all lines (cat -n)
then do you grep command
pull out all those line numbers into file_exclude
cut to remove the file numbers
use a grep with the contents of file_exclude

(Sorry could not go into more; got to go. But thought this might spur thought)
# 3  
Old 09-25-2013
really i have alot of those files every seconds , i'm looking for maybe awk command to solve this quickly without genrating alot of temp files ,
# 4  
Old 09-25-2013
How about applying the things you learned earlier?
# 5  
Old 09-25-2013
Hi Rudic , really i tried to do it like before but i dont know how to use match to get not matching values as one Condition ( when match 3100.2.22.4 and not match 3100.2.30.33 in the same line ) , i will be thankful again if you changed the condition to fit this
# 6  
Old 09-25-2013
man awk might help. However. try
awk     '/3100.2.22.4/ && !/3100.2.22.11/       {print > "myfile1"; next}    
                                                {print > "myfile2"}    
        ' file

This User Gave Thanks to RudiC For This Post:
# 7  
Old 09-25-2013
Thanks "MAN" again
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