Help deleting leading zeros in a file

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# 15  
Old 09-24-2013
@alister, it would improve somewhat upon the accepted solution, since expr is an external command, whereas printf is not, although both would be slower than your suggested variable expansion of course.

Also $((10#$v)) is not available in every POSIX compliant shell like you stated

An advantage of the printf approach is that it would also handle cases like floating point and scientific notation and/or a leading plus signs..
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# 16  
Old 09-25-2013
Thank you all for your solutions
Looks like my little problem created quite an interesting discussion Smilie

# 17  
Old 09-25-2013
Smilie Didn't I answer the question in post #4 in a way that others have replicated with more complex code? Smilie
I've written it as ksh, but the same works for bash Smilie

Smilie Not sure what all the worry is about. Smilie

For a faster process not reading line by line & looping, how about:-
sed s/^0*//g file

Does that fit the bill? It works for me. Smilie

I'd like to learn what I missed earlier and see if this is a better fit. Smilie

# 18  
Old 09-25-2013
Originally Posted by rbatte1
Smilie Didn't I answer the question in post #4 in a way that others have replicated with more complex code? Smilie
I've written it as ksh, but the same works for bash Smilie

Smilie Not sure what all the worry is about. Smilie

For a faster process not reading line by line & looping, how about:-
sed s/^0*//g file

Does that fit the bill? It works for me. Smilie

I'd like to learn what I missed earlier and see if this is a better fit. Smilie

You didn't read post #3, did you? Smilie
# 19  
Old 09-25-2013
So have I missed the point? Smilie
My reading of part of post #3:-
Reason being as the section of the file is only a selection from a much larger line that is processed as part of a much larger string.
This suggested to me that there was more data on the line, not that the file was just a single column of numbers, which is why I gave a solution for a file like this:-
0002 123
0003 Hello

Ho hum, I suppose that it will work for either. Do we have a happy questioner? That's the important bit I suppose. Smilie

.... and hey, I've learnt a few techniques too, so I'm happy. Smilie

# 20  
Old 09-25-2013
Originally Posted by rbatte1
So have I missed the point? Smilie
My reading of part of post #3:-
This suggested to me that there was more data on the line, not that the file was just a single column of numbers, which is why I gave a solution for a file like this:-
0002 123
0003 Hello

Ho hum, I suppose that it will work for either. Do we have a happy questioner? That's the important bit I suppose. Smilie

.... and hey, I've learnt a few techniques too, so I'm happy. Smilie

Hi robin we do have a happy Questioner :-)
Lots of great ideas and solutions in here.

the reason I did not want to run either sed or awk is that the number in question is clipped out of a much longer line ( as a string). this has to repeated for many lines in the original files. Shelling out to awk / sed will make the loop processing to complicated where doing as part of a string is relatively easy within the loop.

Also this is a bash script but for the original question that was not important, but certainly interesting to read the differences in the responses.

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