Replace from reference file awk

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# 1  
Old 09-21-2013
Replace from reference file awk

Basically want to replace any field in input file from the refernce file ...
for example.
clar_2400:3113 in input file will be replaced by clar_2400:3113[2323]
Input file field seperator is ","
Field which is not found in reference will stay as it is ...

Input File
clar_2400:3113,,,[MIG_RLP_3113],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:3114,,,[MIG_RLP_3114],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:261,[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],60.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_2400:265,[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],65.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_0986:208,[recindc],,[erec-cj_R1],950.000,[Pool 1],BAU_erec,erec-208-1408-0996-2828,[erec1405_R2],clar_233:1408

Reference File

clar_2400:3113[2323],,,[MIG_RLP_3113],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:3114[3333],,,[MIG_RLP_3114],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:261[2323],[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],60.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_2400:265[4444],[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],65.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_0986:208[5656],[recindc],,[erec-cj_R1],950.000,[Pool 1],BAU_erec,erec-208-1408-0996-2828,[erec1405_R2],clar_233:1408[4545]

# 2  
Old 09-21-2013
Has been solved a zillion times in here:
awk     'FNR==NR        {T[$1]=$2;next}
         ($1 in T)      {$1=T[$1]}
        ' FS="=" file1 FS="," OFS="," file
clar_2400:3113[2323],,,[MIG_RLP_3113],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:3114[3333],,,[MIG_RLP_3114],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:261[2323],[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],60.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_2400:265[4444],[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],65.000,[Pool 0],,,,,

# 3  
Old 09-21-2013
Thanks for the quick response ..... but its not always the first record ...
for example the last record on the last line in the input file needs to be matched too ...

# 4  
Old 09-21-2013
Sorry, should have read your spec a bit more carefully.
awk     'FNR==NR        {T[$1]=$2;next}
                        {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) if ($i in T) $i=T[$i]}
        ' FS="=" file1 FS="," OFS="," file
clar_2400:3113[2323],,,[MIG_RLP_3113],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:3114[3333],,,[MIG_RLP_3114],40.000,[Pool 4],,,,,
clar_2400:261[2323],[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],60.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_2400:265[4444],[if00p02wi],if00p02wi(4),[if00p_L],65.000,[Pool 0],,,,,
clar_0986:208[5656],[recindc],,[erec-cj_R1],950.000,[Pool 1],BAU_erec,erec-208-1408-0996-2828,[erec1405_R2],clar_233:1408[4545]

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