Passing argument 1 of 'scanf' makes po

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2013
Passing argument 1 of 'scanf' makes po

[CS241C-01@lewis ~]$ cc Array.c
Array.c: In function ‘main’:
Array.c:23: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘scanf’ makes po
Array.c:25: error: expected expression before ‘return’
Array.c:29: error: expected expression before ‘return’
Array.c: At top level:
Array.c:44: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘&’ token
Array.c:46: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ to
[CS241C-01@lewis ~]$

ok so this is the problem I got. I am trying to input the value to search the value in the array and I don't know what went wrong. Help me.

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[CS241C-01@lewis ~]$ vi Array.c
#include "stdio.h"
#define MAXARRAY 12
#define MAXARRAY1 6
int main()
        int a[MAXARRAY];
        int b[MAXARRAY1],
        int size =0;
        size = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);
        printf("Array A has %d elements\n ", size);
        int size1=1;
        size1 = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]);
        printf("Array B has %d elements ", size1);
        printf("Input the values in Array A");
        nvals = get_data(a,MAXARRAY);
        printf("Input the values in Array B");
        nvals1 = get_data(b, MAXARRAY1);
        int value;
        printf("Enter the value you wish to find in THREE arrays of floats");
        if (return == 0)
        printf("The value is found in Array A!");
        find_value(b, &size1, &value);
        if (return == 0)
        printf("The value is found in Array B!");
        printf("The value is not found!");
int get_data(int vals[],int max)
        int n = 0;
        while (n < max && scanf("%d", &vals[n]) == 1)
        return n;
int find_value(array, &scale, &num)
int arrary[], scale, num;
        for (i = scale -1; i>= 0; i--)
        {       if ( array[i]==num );
                return 0;
                return -1;

see if you can help me with this code thanks!

---------- Post updated at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:38 PM ----------

how do I use input in code? do I use "scanf"? and then put the assigned integer variagle next to one like this scanf(number) or scanf"number"? please help!

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 09-16-2013 at 03:58 PM.. Reason: additional code tags
# 2  
Old 09-16-2013
See man scanf for details on scanf.

In general though, scanf should be avoided, since it has problems dealing with rejected input. It can easily work once and fail 5 times afterwards because the first character it reads is \n instead of a digit.

For this reason I suggest the slightly more complicated sscanf, so you can read an entire line then scan it:

char buf[512];


fgets(buf, 512, stdin);
sscanf(buf, "%d", &number);

# 3  
Old 09-16-2013
ok thanks now I have more errors with return that I want them to work.

I need the values to be found or not to be found in arrays.

Array.c: In function ‘main’:
Array.c:25: error: expected expression before ‘return’
Array.c:29: error: expected expression before ‘return’
Array.c: At top level:
Array.c:44: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘&’ token
Array.c:46: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘{’ token

#include "stdio.h" 
02#define MAXARRAY 12 
03#define MAXARRAY1 6 
05int main() 
07        int a[MAXARRAY]; 
08        int b[MAXARRAY1], 
09        nvals, 
10        nvals1; 
11        int size =0; 
12        size = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); 
13        printf("Array A has %d elements\n ", size); 
14        int size1=1; 
15        size1 = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); 
16        printf("Array B has %d elements ", size1); 
17        printf("Input the values in Array A"); 
18        nvals = get_data(a,MAXARRAY); 
19        printf("Input the values in Array B"); 
20        nvals1 = get_data(b, MAXARRAY1); 
21        int value; 
22        printf("Enter the value you wish to find in THREE arrays of floats"); 
23        scanf("%d", value); 
24        find_value(a,&size,&value); 
25        if (return == 0) 
26        printf("The value is found in Array A!"); 
27        else
28        find_value(b, &size1, &value); 
29        if (return == 0) 
30        printf("The value is found in Array B!"); 
31        else
32        printf("The value is not found!"); 
34int get_data(int vals[],int max) 
36        int n = 0; 
38        while (n < max && scanf("%d", &vals[n]) == 1) 
39        n++; 
40        return n; 
43int find_value(array, &scale, &num) 
44int arrary[], scale, num; 
47        for (i = scale -1; i>= 0; i--) 
48        {       if ( array[i]==num ); 
49                { 
50                return 0; 
51                } 
52        } 
54                return -1; 

---------- Post updated at 02:39 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:23 PM ----------

what kind of return statement should I use I still have problem with the returned???
# 4  
Old 09-16-2013
You cannot make a variable named 'return' because 'return' is a reserved word.

Half the time you're using 'if(return == something)' you haven't even tried to declare a variable of that name anyway.

Last edited by Corona688; 09-16-2013 at 05:43 PM..
# 5  
Old 09-16-2013
now after fixing the return I got this error: segmentation error

#include "stdio.h" 
02#define MAXARRAY 12 
03#define MAXARRAY1 6 
05int main() 
07        int a[MAXARRAY]; 
08        int b[MAXARRAY1], 
09        nvals, 
10        nvals1; 
11        int size =0; 
12        size = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); 
13        printf("Array A has %d elements\n ", size); 
14        int size1=1; 
15        size1 = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); 
16        printf("Array B has %d elements ", size1); 
17        printf("Input the values in Array A"); 
18        nvals = get_data(a,MAXARRAY); 
19        printf("Input the values in Array B"); 
20        nvals1 = get_data(b, MAXARRAY1); 
21        int value; 
22        printf("Enter the value you wish to find in THREE arrays of floats"); 
23        scanf("%d", value); 
25        find_value(&a,&size,value); 
26        if (find_value(&a,&size, value) == 0) 
27        printf("The value is found in Array A!"); 
28        else
29        find_value(&b, &size1, value); 
30        if (find_value(&b, &size1, value) == 0) 
31        printf("The value is found in Array B!"); 
32        else
33        printf("The value is not found!"); 
36int get_data(int vals[],int max) 
38        int n = 0; 
40        while (n < max && scanf("%d", &vals[n]) == 1) 
41        n++; 
42        return n; 
45int find_value(int *array[] ,int *scale,int num) 
47        int i; 
50        for (i = *scale -1; i>= 0; i--) 
51        {       if ( *array[i]==num ); 
52                { 
53                return 0; 
54                } 
55        } 
57                return (-1); 

# 6  
Old 09-16-2013
scanf("%d", value);

should be
scanf("%d", &value);

Again, I encourage you to read man scanf
# 7  
Old 09-17-2013
ok when I try to enter the value that is suppose to be found in Array B but the output says it was in Array A

#include "stdio.h" 
02#define MAXARRAY 12 
03#define MAXARRAY1 6 
04#define MAXARRAY2 9 
06int main() 
08        int a[MAXARRAY]; 
09        int b[MAXARRAY1]; 
10        int c[MAXARRAY2]; 
11        int nvals; 
12        int nvals1; 
13        int nvals2; 
14        int size =0; 
15        int fetch; 
16        size = sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]); 
17        printf("Array A has %d elements\n ", size); 
18        int size1=0; 
21        size1 = sizeof(B)/>/sizeof(b[0]); 
22        printf("Array B has %d elements\n ", size1); 
23        int size2=0; 
24        size2 = sizeof(c)/sizeof(c[0]); 
25        printf("Array C has %d elements\n " , size2); 
26        printf("Input the values in Array A\n "); 
27        nvals = get_data(a,MAXARRAY); 
28        printf("Input the values in Array B \n"); 
29        nvals1 = get_data(b, MAXARRAY1); 
30        printf("Input the values in Array C \n"); 
31        nvals2 = get_data(c, MAXARRAY2); 
32        int value; 
33        printf("Enter the value you wish to find in THREE arrays of floats"); 
34        scanf("%d", &value); 
35        fetch=find_value(&a,&size,value); 
37        if (find_value(&a,&size, value) == 0) 
38        { 
39        printf("The value is found in Array A!"); 
40        } 
41        else
42        { 
43                fetch=find_value(&b, &size1, value); 
45                 if (find_value(&b, &size1, value) == 0 ) 
46                { 
47                printf("The value is found in Array B!"); 
48                } 
49                else
50                { 
51                        fetch= find_value(&c, &size2, value); 
53                         if (find_value(&c, &size2, value) == 0) 
54                        { 
58                        printf("The value is found in Array C!"); 
59                        } 
60                        else
61                        { 
62                        printf("The value is not found in Three Arrays!"); 
63                        } 
64                } 
65        } 
68int get_data(int vals[],int max) 
70        int n = 0; 
72        while (n < max && scanf("%d", &vals[n]) == 1) 
73        n++; 
74        return n; 
77int find_value(int *array[] ,int *scale,int num) 
79        int i; 
82        for (i = *scale -1; i>= 0; i--) 
83        {       if ( *array[i]==num ); 
84                { 
85                return 0; 
86                } 
87        } 
89                return (-1); 

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