Webdav automation

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# 1  
Old 09-16-2013
Webdav automation

I am required to automate file transfer to a Sharepoint Collection, I have failed in mounting the webdav as a file system using davfs2 so I am investigating Curl and Cadaver.

Cadaver is probably the easiest solution, I can successfully connect and transfer files. However can anyone advise how i can automate the connection as it always requires a username and password.

I have tried to create a netrc file in hom with the content:
machine http://url:port login=thisuser password=thispass

Unfortunately it always asks for a password when I attempt:
cadaver http:url:port

I also understand I could create a file and redirect it into Cadaver:

cadaver < thisfile.txt

Unfortunately I couldn't get this to work, it "seemed" to suggest it connected but no command did anything. I would prefer to get the netrc working.

I think the format of the netrc is correct, can anyone suggest why it might not be working as expected?
# 2  
Old 09-20-2013
It seems very like ftp, so try something like the
form? Or something like sshpass to apply the password?
# 3  
Old 09-20-2013
Apologies for not mentioning earlier,

I gave up with Cadaver as well and have scripted Curl. It works well, it has a few weird aspects but I can get it to do what I want relatively well.

Shame I didn't get the davfs mount to work properly though - you can close this thread though.
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