awk pattern search with inconsistent position

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# 1  
Old 09-13-2013
awk pattern search with inconsistent position


Anybody knows how to get the value after the regexp and test it on pattern? The if the pattern matches, it will print the entire line on a separate file.

Here's my raw file:
^_Name^_string^_Apple   ^_Color^_string^_Red	^_Code^_string^_121 
^_Name^_string^_Banana	^_Code^_string^_123    ^_Color^_string^_Yellow  
^_Name^_string^_Citrus	^_Color^_string^_Green	^_Code^_string^_129    ^_Color^_string^_Green

I want to check if the Code string's last digit is within range of [1-5]. The Code^_ is not always on the same column so I can't just use the awk $3.

eg. I specified to search for [1-5], the output will be below:
^_Name^_string^_Apple   ^_Color^_string^_Red	^_Code^_string^_121  
^_Name^_string^_Banana	^_Code^_string^_123    ^_Color^_string^_Yellow

eg. I specified to search for [19], the output will be below:
^_Name^_string^_Apple   ^_Color^_string^_Red	^_Code^_string^_121 
^_Name^_string^_Citrus	^_Color^_string^_Green	^_Code^_string^_129    ^_Color^_string^_Green

What I've done is to get the code values,store in a file then grep [range]. But looping takes huge time specially with large files.

By the way, the "^_" is a control character, and the spaces are tabs.

---------- Post updated at 03:58 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:52 PM ----------

I can also use grep without looping, but I cant use the * in between so no. Here's what's in my mind:

grep Code^_string^_*[1-5]$ [filename]

Last edited by Jin_; 09-13-2013 at 05:08 AM..
# 2  
Old 09-13-2013
Something like this?
grep "_Code^_string^_[0-9]\{2\}[1-5]" infile

grep "_Code^_string^_[0-9]\{2\}[19]" infile

How many digits will you have (the above is for 3 digits)? And I suppose you want to check only the last digit?

This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 09-13-2013
If you modify that grep to:
grep Code^_string^_[0-9]+[1-5]

it should work for when only numerals appear after the Code/string construct. I have not tested this.

This User Gave Thanks to apmcd47 For This Post:
# 4  
Old 09-13-2013
Originally Posted by ahamed101
Something like this?
grep "_Code^_string^_[0-9]\{2\}[1-5]" infile

grep "_Code^_string^_[0-9]\{2\}[19]" infile

How many digits will you have (the above is for 3 digits)? And I suppose you want to check only the last digit?

Digits are inconsistent as well. Can be 3, can be 10. Is the solution above going to work?

Originally Posted by apmcd47
If you modify that grep to:
grep Code^_string^_[0-9]+[1-5]

it should work for when only numerals appear after the Code/string construct. I have not tested this.


What does the "+" sign do? Is it like the "*" in ls ?
# 5  
Old 09-13-2013
+ one or more hit
* 0 or more hit
? 0 or 1 hit
# 6  
Old 09-15-2013
Originally Posted by apmcd47
If you modify that grep to:
grep Code^_string^_[0-9]+[1-5]

it should work for when only numerals appear after the Code/string construct. I have not tested this.

Problem is when the line also has irrelevant numbers at the end of the line, it will give a hit to the grep.
# 7  
Old 09-17-2013
Originally Posted by Jin_
Problem is when the line also has irrelevant numbers at the end of the line, it will give a hit to the grep.
You have tested this? As I said, I had not. Taking another look I can see that it could match something like:

To stop this you would need to add something to the end of the pattern to match white space, but this would not match the end of the line. You could add a match for white space to the end of the pattern but then it won't match the end of the line. You could have two versions of my pattern: one with white space a the end and the other with the end of line anchor ($) at the end.

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