Find difference in content between two particular lines in two files

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# 1  
Old 09-05-2013
Find difference in content between two particular lines in two files

I have two files named Before.txt and After.txt:

--- --- ---
--- --- ---
<Marker 1>
--- --- --- --
--- --- --- --
--- --- --- --
<Marker 2>
--- --- ---
--- --- ---

--- --- ---
--- --- ---
<Marker 1>
--- --- --- --
--- --- --- --
--- --- --- --
<Marker 2>
--- --- ---
--- --- ---
Now i want to find the difference in content between <Marker 1> and <Marker 2> in the two files.

---------- Post updated at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:50 PM ----------

Any help will be highly appreciated..Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-05-2013
Using diff with process substitution:

$ diff <(sed -n '/<Marker 1>/,/<Marker 2>/p' before.txt) <(sed -n '/<Marker 1>/,/<Marker 2>/p' after.txt)

# 3  
Old 09-07-2013
Thanks, but how can i get only the content between the two markers, in the above case the markers also come in the output.
# 4  
Old 09-07-2013

You must just modify the 2 sed command like:
sed -n '/<Marker 1>/,/<Marker 2>/{/<Marker 1>\|<Marker 2>/!p}'

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