Script to get the heading in files along with data

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Old 09-04-2013
Script to get the heading in files along with data

Hi everyone,

I have a file which has data with different heading and column names as below.

Static Data Ingested
,,,,,,,,,,,,Known Explained Rejections
Column_1,column_2,Column_3,Column_4,,Column_6,Column_7,,% Column_8,,Column_9 ,Column_10

In the above few are null columns and Static Data Ingested is the heading of therecords at line 1.At line 2 is ,,,,,,,,,,,,Known Explained Rejections and at line 3 and 4 are the column names and the records.

After few lines say line 20 start the second heading and the records as below:

Static Data extracted
Column_1,Column_2,Column_3,Column_4,Column 5,Column_6,Column 7

Now i want to get the data from the above records only if Column 9 and 10 in first heading(Static Data Ingested) and column column 6 and 7 in second heading(Static Data extracted) have records other than 0.

For the above input output should be as below.

Static Data Ingested:
Column_1,column_2,Column_3,Column_4,,Column_6,Column_7,,% Column_8,,Column_9 ,Column_10

Static Data extracted:
Column_1,Column_2,Column_3,Column_4,Column 5,Column_6,Column 7

# 2  
Old 09-04-2013
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