Wget invoke a button

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# 1  
Old 09-03-2013
Wget invoke a button


I have a certain URL(ABC TV Network - Shows, Episodes, Schedules & Programming - ABC.com) and I want to invoke a button (say abc) in it from BASH.

How should I do it using wget? Any help!

Thanks in advance
# 2  
Old 09-03-2013
You can check the source of the page, send the submit input corresponding to the button with the wget request using --post-data option.
This User Gave Thanks to rajamadhavan For This Post:
# 3  
Old 09-03-2013
The button is :

Reinitialize Topology

admin/admin I have to pass as user and pass

I hope this is fine:

*/10 * * * * wget --delete-after --http-user=admin --http-password=admin --post-data="submit=Reinitialize Topology" http://abc/xyz/DeploymentServer/
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