Modifying/Adding in the DNS server entry using shell script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Modifying/Adding in the DNS server entry using shell script
# 1  
Old 08-27-2013
Modifying/Adding in the DNS server entry using shell script

Dear Experts.

I need to add/modify the entries in the DNS server and this has to be achieved using shell script and below is the requirement, could you please let me know if a shell script can be written for this task?

1. Log in to primary DNS server
2. Check /etc/named.conf if zone is already created (grep –i 10.0.11 named.conf)
     Eg: if want to add server in to DNS
zone "" in {
type master;
file "db.10.0.11";
3. If zone is already there go to /var/named
4. Then add server entry in file db.10.0.11
EG: 13 IN PTR And modify the serial number to yyyymmdd as below highlighted. 
Suppose if entry is made on 20th November enter the serial number as 20111120
root@PDNS1A101 # cat db.10.0.99
$TTL 5h
;SOA rec
99.0.10. IN SOA ( 20090101; serial number ( you should change to 20111120)
10800; refresh every 3 hours
10800; retry every 3 hours
604800; expire after a week
86400) ; TTL of 1 day
; Name Servers IN NS
;Pointer records for 10.0.99
5. Add entry in (please change serial number here also)
6. Restart dns service -- svcadm restart dns/server

Last edited by vbe; 08-27-2013 at 08:47 AM..
# 2  
Old 08-27-2013
To answer your question bluntly: Yes, it's doable. Give it a try and post your approach and - possibly erroneous - results, and we will try to help. Although the named files' structures are no secrets, input and ouput samples would help as well.
# 3  
Old 08-27-2013
As a hint, look into the nsupdate command.
# 4  
Old 08-28-2013
Can someone help how to write a shell script for this requirement
# 5  
Old 08-28-2013
This forum is for submitting anything to do with programming and shell script writing, but not for doing your job...
If you dont know how to write shell scripts, you should not post here but ask help in dummies forum

You wrote down the procedure of what is being asked, now write the script, and show us what you did and where you are having trouble, we will be glad to assist you in solving your issues
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