Script awk vertical to horizontal with some condition

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Script awk vertical to horizontal with some condition
# 1  
Old 08-26-2013
Script awk vertical to horizontal with some condition

hi all..

i have problem, right now i want to processing some data with input like this
           BIMAB     ACF-0168  QTS-0465    QUA      2013-08-17  14:16:09.34
**  ALAR  ORX -004               NDORIDUNGGA
   (21943) 7745 ABOVE DEFINED
                02 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 03 100d
           BIMAB     ACF-0163             EQU    2013-04-25  17:45:31.15
**  ALAR
           CM -0779
   (20389) 7704 FAIL
           BIMAB     ACF-0150             ENV     2013-05-17  15:37:09.72
*   ALAR
   (52250) 7602 ACF NOTIF
                C is broken
                05 02 0B 9E 00 00
           BIMAB     ACF-0143  QTS-0457    PRO   2013-08-27  03:28:17.14
**  ALAR  ORX -023               NJATIWANG2IL
   (14921) 7607 ORX OPERATION
                detected too high
                00 00 00 83 21 21
           FMUBD2       ACF-0097  QTS-0221    EQU    2013-08-18  12:47:39.60
**  ALAR  ORX -020               EVPEJENG2QTS
   (24594) 7607 ORX OPERATION
                difference exceeding
                1A 09 00 B5 0A 02
           FMUBD2       ACF-1251  QTS-1252    QUA      2013-08-24  13:12:46.15
**  ALAR  ORX -006               EVTEGALSUCI
   (44220) 7744 EXCESSIVE
                00 00 00 64 64 64 64 00 02 50d

every word in line is separated by multiple space its make me confuse Smilie
i want the output like this
BIMAB;ACF-0168;QTS-0465;QUA;2013-08-17 14:16:09.34;**;ALAR;ORX -004;NDORIDUNGGA;(21943);7745;ABOVE DEFINED;02 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 03 100d
BIMAB;ACF-0163;EQU;2013-04-25 17:45:31.15;**;ALAR;CM -0779;(20389);7704;FAIL
BIMAB;ACF-0150;ENV;2013-05-17 15:37:09.72;*;ALAR;(52250);7602;ACF NOTIF;C is broken;05 02 0B 9E 00 00
BIMAB;ACF-0143;QTS-0457;PRO;2013-08-27 03:28:17.14;**;ALAR;ORX -023;NJATIWANG2IL;(14921);7607;ORX OPERATION;detected too high;00 00 00 83 21 21
FMUBD2;ACF-0097;QTS-0221;EQU;2013-08-18 12:47:39.60;**;ALAR;ORX -020;EVPEJENG2QTS;(24594);7607;ORX OPERATION;difference exceeding;1A 09 00 B5 0A 02
FMUBD2;ACF-1251;QTS-1252;QUA;2013-08-24 13:12:46.15;**;ALAR;ORX -006;EVTEGALSUCI;(44220);7744;EXCESSIVE;00 00 00 64 64 64 64 00 02 50d

please.. really need your help..
all suggestion i really appreciate

best regards
# 2  
Old 08-26-2013
Matching using combination of number of leading spaces and field counts may work for you:

awk '
/^ {11}[^ ].*:[0-9.]{5}$/ {
    if(p) print p;
    if(NF==6) p=$1";"$2";"$3";"$4";"$5" "$6
    else p=$1";"$2";"$3";"$4" "$5
/^ {3}[^ ]/ { p=p";"$1";"$2";" ; for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) p=p (i>3?" ":"")$i }
/^[^ ]/ { p=p";"$1";"$2 ; if(NF>3) p=p";"$3" "$4";"$5 }
/^ {11}[^ ]/ { gsub(/^ {11}/,"");p=p";"$0 }
/^ {16}[0-9A-F][0-9A-F] / { gsub(/^ {16}/,"");p=p";"$0}
/^ {16}[^ ]/ { gsub(/^ {16}/,"");p=p";"$0}
END {print p}' infile

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-27-2013
Originally Posted by Chubler_XL
Matching using combination of number of leading spaces and field counts may work for you:

awk '
/^ {11}[^ ].*:[0-9.]{5}$/ {
    if(p) print p;
    if(NF==6) p=$1";"$2";"$3";"$4";"$5" "$6
    else p=$1";"$2";"$3";"$4" "$5
/^ {3}[^ ]/ { p=p";"$1";"$2";" ; for(i=3;i<=NF;i++) p=p (i>3?" ":"")$i }
/^[^ ]/ { p=p";"$1";"$2 ; if(NF>3) p=p";"$3" "$4";"$5 }
/^ {11}[^ ]/ { gsub(/^ {11}/,"");p=p";"$0 }
/^ {16}[0-9A-F][0-9A-F] / { gsub(/^ {16}/,"");p=p";"$0}
/^ {16}[^ ]/ { gsub(/^ {16}/,"");p=p";"$0}
END {print p}' infile

thanks a lot bro..
i try to run this script, the output is not like that i want.
but i really appreciate.. many thanks
# 4  
Old 08-27-2013
Your input file must not match what you posted here, as I get a character-for-character match with your required output:

BIMAB;ACF-0168;QTS-0465;QUA;2013-08-17 14:16:09.34;**;ALAR;ORX -004;NDORIDUNGGA;(21943);7745;ABOVE DEFINED;02 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 03 100d
BIMAB;ACF-0163;EQU;2013-04-25 17:45:31.15;**;ALAR;CM -0779;(20389);7704;FAIL
BIMAB;ACF-0150;ENV;2013-05-17 15:37:09.72;*;ALAR;(52250);7602;ACF NOTIF;C is broken;05 02 0B 9E 00 00
BIMAB;ACF-0143;QTS-0457;PRO;2013-08-27 03:28:17.14;**;ALAR;ORX -023;NJATIWANG2IL;(14921);7607;ORX OPERATION;detected too high;00 00 00 83 21 21
FMUBD2;ACF-0097;QTS-0221;EQU;2013-08-18 12:47:39.60;**;ALAR;ORX -020;EVPEJENG2QTS;(24594);7607;ORX OPERATION;difference exceeding;1A 09 00 B5 0A 02
FMUBD2;ACF-1251;QTS-1252;QUA;2013-08-24 13:12:46.15;**;ALAR;ORX -006;EVTEGALSUCI;(44220);7744;EXCESSIVE;00 00 00 64 64 64 64 00 02 50d

# 5  
Old 08-27-2013
Originally Posted by Chubler_XL
Your input file must not match what you posted here, as I get a character-for-character match with your required output:

BIMAB;ACF-0168;QTS-0465;QUA;2013-08-17 14:16:09.34;**;ALAR;ORX -004;NDORIDUNGGA;(21943);7745;ABOVE DEFINED;02 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 01 03 100d
BIMAB;ACF-0163;EQU;2013-04-25 17:45:31.15;**;ALAR;CM -0779;(20389);7704;FAIL
BIMAB;ACF-0150;ENV;2013-05-17 15:37:09.72;*;ALAR;(52250);7602;ACF NOTIF;C is broken;05 02 0B 9E 00 00
BIMAB;ACF-0143;QTS-0457;PRO;2013-08-27 03:28:17.14;**;ALAR;ORX -023;NJATIWANG2IL;(14921);7607;ORX OPERATION;detected too high;00 00 00 83 21 21
FMUBD2;ACF-0097;QTS-0221;EQU;2013-08-18 12:47:39.60;**;ALAR;ORX -020;EVPEJENG2QTS;(24594);7607;ORX OPERATION;difference exceeding;1A 09 00 B5 0A 02
FMUBD2;ACF-1251;QTS-1252;QUA;2013-08-24 13:12:46.15;**;ALAR;ORX -006;EVTEGALSUCI;(44220);7744;EXCESSIVE;00 00 00 64 64 64 64 00 02 50d

or i wrong when i write the script. i just copy paste your script to vi editor

Last edited by buncit8; 08-27-2013 at 09:03 PM..
# 6  
Old 08-27-2013
It's an awk script, working on your input file and printing the results to stdout. You can capture the output by using redirection.
# 7  
Old 08-27-2013
Originally Posted by RudiC
It's an awk script, working on your input file and printing the results to stdout. You can capture the output by using redirection.
i'm newbie here..
what i was do is, copy paste my input to vi editor and then save with name infile
copy paste the script and then save with name test.
then i run with command 'sh test'

Last edited by buncit8; 08-27-2013 at 09:05 PM..
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