[Solved] sed to replace words

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting [Solved] sed to replace words
# 1  
Old 08-23-2013
[Solved] sed to replace words

Hello All,

I have file named filelist.txt


I want to replace the word bteq to tpt in this file.

I used this sed command
 cat filelist.txt | sed 's/bteq/tpt/g'  > filelist.txt

But this command deletes all records from the filelist.txt

Can anybody please point out what is the problem with above command
# 2  
Old 08-23-2013
If you read from a file and write to it at the same time, all you get is a corrupted file.
sed has options for in-file editing --> the -i switch

sed -i.bak 's/bteq/tpt/g' filelist.txt

Now you have the original file as filelist.txt.bak and the edited file filelist.txt
This User Gave Thanks to balajesuri For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-23-2013

Worked like a charm.
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