Tail over rsync data

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# 1  
Old 08-13-2013
Tail over rsync data

I have written a shell script (that will be called in every 5 seconds) that used rsync to copy logs of our production server from server A(production) to server B (Dev), because we don't allow team members to hit server A.
The shell script is working fine.
But we are facing a problem that command "tail -f <log file name>" on server B is not printing current logs.
But if we continuously re-open it in vi editor we have noticed changes.
Please tell the way how to do that ?
# 2  
Old 08-13-2013
I guess that it gets a new file every 5 seconds, and tail -f only follow old file that no more exists.
Try this instead:
tail --follow=name /var/log/yourlogfile

This make tail follow the name of the file, and have no problem when file is overwritten etc
# 3  
Old 08-13-2013
Hi Jotne,
Thanks for the quick reply. I have used the command, but it is reading and display all contents of the given file. I only need the difference (delta) of the two files.
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