Remove the first character from the fourth column only if the column has four characters

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Remove the first character from the fourth column only if the column has four characters
# 8  
Old 08-13-2013
You remove to much with this. Column 4 should be at least 3 characters long.
You have 2 in row 4,5,8,9

Is format always the same in all the file? Then use Chublers solution
Are there other combination of letters than MET ALA ARG? Then do not use sed solution that just replace text
# 9  
Old 08-13-2013
Originally Posted by Jotne
You remove to much with this. Column 4 should be at least 3 characters long.
You have 2 in row 4,5,8,9
oh yeah, I didn't notice that.


---------- Post updated at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:08 AM ----------

Corrected the code in post#5

# 10  
Old 08-13-2013
This test if field 4 has more than 3 characters, if it does, remove the first character.
Not sure why it mess up the format and how to fix it.
awk  '{$4=(length($4)>3)?substr($4,2):$4}1' file
ATOM 5181 N MET K 406 12.440 6.552 25.691 0.50 7.37 N
ATOM 5182 CA MET K 406 13.685 5.798 25.578 0.50 5.87 C
ATOM 5183 C MET K 406 14.045 5.179 26.909 0.50 5.07 C
ATOM 5184 O MET K 406 14.595 4.083 27.003 0.50 7.07 O
ATOM 5185 CB MET K 406 14.812 6.674 25.044 0.50 6.80 C
ATOM 5191 C MET K 406 14.044 5.177 26.910 0.50 5.15 C
ATOM 5192 O MET K 406 14.589 4.078 27.004 0.50 7.09 O
ATOM 5197 N ALA K 407 13.718 5.884 27.972 1.00 5.30 N
ATOM 5198 CA ALA K 407 14.077 5.408 29.309 1.00 6.16 C
ATOM 5202 N ARG K 408 12.186 3.982 29.147 0.50 6.55 N
ATOM 5203 CA ARG K 408 11.407 2.745 29.387 0.50 7.31 C

# 11  
Old 08-13-2013
Splitting coloumns inturns records also:

My file is seperated with ";" delimiter, after 13 delimiter i want to put the data in new line...

My current file:-

i want o/p as:-


How to achieve ths,
Please help me out in this...let me know if require any other info

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please start a new thread for this

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 08-14-2013 at 07:53 PM.. Reason: Code tags
# 12  
Old 08-13-2013
Start a new thread with you question
# 13  
Old 08-13-2013
awk '{$4=substr($4,length($4)-2)}1' file

# 14  
Old 08-14-2013
sed -i 's/^\(\([^[:space:]]\{1,\}[[:space:]]\{1,\}\)\{3\}\)[^[:space:]]\([^[:space:]]\{3\}\)/\1 \3/' file

NB the -i option is specific to GNU sed.
With a standard sed, use the following:
cp file file.old &&
sed '...' &&
rm -f file.old

Or use perl! (looks nicer anyway)
perl -i -pe 's/^((\S+\s+){3})\S(\S{3})/$1 $3/' file

Last edited by MadeInGermany; 08-15-2013 at 04:57 AM.. Reason: perl!
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