Pick the last one hour lines from log matching this pattern.

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# 1  
Old 08-12-2013
Linux Pick the last one hour lines from log matching this pattern.

Hello please help me on this,

pick the last one hour lines from the log, which have the prefix time format like this.

[2/5/12 10:50:12:148 EDT] log message
[2/5/12 10:50:13:324 EDT] log message

i tried to do grep, but that failed.

my code

grep '(date +['%-m/%-d/%y %H:%M:%S:%03N %Z'])' log_file_path

This checking only the current time stamp. How to get the log for last one hour from the current time, for this time format.

Last edited by Scott; 08-12-2013 at 10:07 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags...
# 2  
Old 08-12-2013
Does your date function support the --date=STRING option?

$ date --date="date -d "2/5/12 10:50:12.148 EDT"
Sun, Feb 05, 2012 10:50:12 AM

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-12-2013
Originally Posted by santosh2626
grep '(date +['%-m/%-d/%y %H:%M:%S:%03N %Z'])' log_file_path

The first problem with your code is you used single quotes: everything within single quotes is treated as is, not evaluated. This will probably work, but only find the entries with the current timestamp, not the last hour:

grep "$(date +['%-m/%-d/%y %H:%M:%S:%03N %Z'])" log_file_path

You can get a timestamp from one hour before if you manipulate the TZ variable, which holds the timezone. For instance, i am on GMT+1. To get the timestamp from one hour before I'd use:

(TZ="GMT+1" ; date)    # current time
(TZ="GMT" ; date)      # one hour ago

Lastly, grep is a poor tool for what you want to achieve, because it filters single lines. What you want to match is a range of lines and for this sed is the tool of choice. Notice how the single quoted parts are ending and restarting again:

sed  -n '/^'"$(TZ=GMT ; date +['%-m/%-d/%y %H:%M:%S:%03N %Z'])"'/,$ p' log_file_path

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 4  
Old 08-12-2013
Thanks in advance.
I am using kshell. And the code i displayed above also not working.
please help me in getting the lines for the correct format. Can use grep or awk command.

---------- Post updated at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:36 PM ----------

i have given the logfile path /hostname/log/stdout.log at the end of sed command.
getting error cant read path: No such file or directory

---------- Post updated at 08:48 PM ---------- Previous update was at 08:44 PM ----------

Thanks backunin

That worked but displayed the complete log.
Not just the hour back lines.

Please help me.
# 5  
Old 08-12-2013
You could try this, assuming your date command supports --date :

v=$(date --date "-1 hour" +"-vY=%-y -vT=%-m -vD=%-d -vH=%-H -vM=%-M")
awk -F'[[ /:]' $v '
  $4>Y ||
  $4==Y&&$2>T ||
  $4==Y&&$2==T&&$3>D ||
  $4==Y&&$2==T&&$3==D&&$5>H ||
  $4==Y&&$2==T&&$3==D&&$5==H&&$6>M {v=1}
  v' logfile

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 6  
Old 08-12-2013
Hello chubler.
Thanks for the post/
But getting the following syntax error.

awk: =F[[ /:]
awk:^ syntax error

And will this work for the format i displayed in the log sample?
# 7  
Old 08-12-2013
Yes, tested with the format posted, some awk versions require a space between -F and parameter try (notice additional space here):

v=$(date --date "-1 hour" +"-vY=%-y -vT=%-m -vD=%-d -vH=%-H -vM=%-M")
awk -F '[[ /:]' $v '
  $4>Y ||
  $4==Y&&$2>T ||
  $4==Y&&$2==T&&$3>D ||
  $4==Y&&$2==T&&$3==D&&$5>H ||
  $4==Y&&$2==T&&$3==D&&$5==H&&$6>M {v=1}
  v' logfile

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
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