Help removing output from .sh script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help removing output from .sh script
# 1  
Old 08-09-2013
Help removing output from .sh script

I have the following script
# **********************************************************************
# System:       xxxx
# Filename:
# Purpose:      List 10 largest files in current partition
# Modification History:
# 1.0                    Initial Version
# ************************************************************************
du -sk ./* | sort -rn | head | \
while read SIZE ENTRY
# if size > 1048576 then it is at least 1 GB big
if [ ${SIZE} -gt 1048576 ]
NEWSIZE=`echo "${SIZE}000 / 1048576" | bc | sed -e "s/\(...\)$/\.\1/"`
printf "% 10s %s\n" "${NEWSIZE} GB" $ENTRY
# if size > 1024 then it is at least 1 MB big
elif [ ${SIZE} -gt 1024 ]
NEWSIZE=`echo "${SIZE}000 / 1024" | bc | sed -e "s/\(...\)$/\.\1/"`
printf "% 10s %s\n" "${NEWSIZE} MB" $ENTRY
printf "% 10s %s\n" "${SIZE} KB" $ENTRY

The output is as follows: -

432 KB  ./old_scripts
72 KB ./

Is there a way to remove the ./ from the output so it looks like: -

432 KB old_scripts
72 KB

I have tried du -sk * but this doesn't work


Last edited by jim mcnamara; 08-09-2013 at 12:21 PM..
# 2  
Old 08-09-2013

Just try this please.

$ ksh script name | sed 's/\.\///g' remove_dot_slash

Output will be as follows.

432 KB  old_scripts
72 KB

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 08-09-2013
Works in recent shells:
printf "%s\n" ${ENTRY#*/}

man bash:
Parameter Expansion
. . .
Remove matching prefix pattern. . . .
# 4  
Old 08-09-2013
Excellent I used the ${ENTRY#*/} and it works not 100% how though?

It now looks like: -
du -sk ./* | sort -rn | head | \
while read SIZE ENTRY
  # if size > 1048576 then it is at least 1 GB big
  if [ ${SIZE} -gt 1048576 ]
    NEWSIZE=`echo "${SIZE}000 / 1048576" | bc | sed -e "s/\(...\)$/\.\1/"`
    printf "% 10s %s\n" "${NEWSIZE} GB" ${ENTRY#*/}
    # if size > 1024 then it is at least 1 MB big
  elif [ ${SIZE} -gt 1024 ]
    NEWSIZE=`echo "${SIZE}000 / 1024" | bc | sed -e "s/\(...\)$/\.\1/"`
    printf "% 10s %s\n" "${NEWSIZE} MB" ${ENTRY#*/}
    printf "% 10s %s\n" "${SIZE} KB" ${ENTRY#*/}

Last edited by Scott; 08-09-2013 at 01:18 PM.. Reason: Added code tags [5th time]; indented code
# 5  
Old 08-11-2013
Why does du -sk * not work?
# 6  
Old 08-12-2013
According to my colleague its the * that caused the problem. Apparently it doesn't know what directory to look in if you use du -sk * so I had to use du -sk ./*

Its a HPUX file system
# 7  
Old 08-12-2013
I do not understand why you add the three 000 to the size?
Also get rid of back tics `` and use parentheses $()
BC is not default installed on Ubuntu do the math in shell $((a+b)) or awk if you need decimal.

Here is some rewritten version
du -sk ./* | sort -rn | head | \
while read SIZE ENTRY
  # if size > 1048576 then it is at least 1 GB big
  if [ ${SIZE} -gt 1048576 ]
    NEWSIZE=$((${SIZE} / 1048576))
    printf "% 10s %s\n" "${NEWSIZE} GB" ${ENTRY#*/}
    # if size > 1024 then it is at least 1 MB big
  elif [ ${SIZE} -gt 1024 ]
    NEWSIZE=$((${SIZE} / 1024))
    printf "% 10s %s\n" "${NEWSIZE} MB" ${ENTRY#*/}
    printf "% 10s %s\n" "${SIZE} KB" ${ENTRY#*/}

Last edited by Jotne; 08-12-2013 at 10:26 AM.. Reason: fixed my own typo
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