Help! output format from vertical to horizontal

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help! output format from vertical to horizontal
# 1  
Old 08-09-2013
Help! output format from vertical to horizontal

Hi All,

please help to achieve the desired output
Example: I have a file which contains the below data

Desired output should be
empname empid design
robert 787 consultant
alex 898 advocate

I have achieved the below output with the command but this is not my requirement.

 paste -d '  '  - - < inputfile > outputfile

empname robert
empid 787
design consultant
empname alex
empid 898
design advocate

Kindly help me to achieve the desired output as shown above

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Scott; 08-09-2013 at 10:13 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags for code and data
# 2  
Old 08-09-2013
xargs -n6 < file | awk '
        NR == 1 {
                for ( i = 1; i <= NF; i+=2 )
                        printf "%s\t", $i
                printf "\n"
                for ( i = 2; i <= NF; i+=2 )
                        printf "%s\t", $i
                printf "\n"

# 3  
Old 08-09-2013
Simple approach
awk 'BEGIN {print "empname empid design"} /empname/ {getline;printf "%s ",$0;getline;getline;printf "%s ",$0;getline;getline;print}'

# 4  
Old 08-09-2013
Thanks a lot Jotne and Yoda for excellent commands.
# 5  
Old 08-09-2013
Some more variation
awk 'BEGIN {print "empname empid design"} /empname/{a=NR} NR==a+1||NR==a+3{printf "%s ",$0} NR==a+5' file

# 6  
Old 08-09-2013
Posted by Jotne:
Simple approach

awk 'BEGIN {print "empname empid design"} /empname/ {getline;printf "%s ",$0;getline;getline;printf "%s ",$0;getline;getline;print}'
Could you please let me know why at the last

is not used here? Also is this

is used for formatting?

Will be grateful to you for same.

R. Singh
# 7  
Old 08-09-2013
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