How to run multiple .py in ksh?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How to run multiple .py in ksh?
# 8  
Old 08-09-2013
Worked like a charm Alister, that is some seriously easy to understand code!

It was nice to make file2 have a bad ref in the infile and then see what happened. It stopped the process dead in the tracks and the KSH reported the error with file 2 (i.e. " such file or dir..." I fixed the ref and all's square again. Great code, easy to understand. Me and my team are new to unix. Gotta get my python book.

thanks a bunch and have a great weekend.
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LAM(1)							    BSD General Commands Manual 						    LAM(1)

lam -- laminate files SYNOPSIS
lam [-f min.max] [-p min.max] [-s sepstring] [-t c] file ... DESCRIPTION
lam copies the named files side by side onto the standard output. The n-th input lines from the input files are considered fragments of the single long n-th output line into which they are assembled. The name ``-'' means the standard input, and may be repeated. Normally, each option affects only the file after it. If the option letter is capitalized it affects all subsequent files until it appears again uncapitalized. The options are described below. -f min.max Print line fragments according to the format string min.max, where min is the minimum field width and max the maximum field width. If min begins with a zero, zeros will be added to make up the field width, and if it begins with a '-', the fragment will be left-adjusted within the field. -p min.max Like -f, but pad this file's field when end-of-file is reached and other files are still active. -s sepstring Print sepstring before printing line fragments from the next file. This option may appear after the last file. -t c The input line terminator is c instead of a newline. The newline normally appended to each output line is omitted. To print files simultaneously for easy viewing use pr(1). EXAMPLES
The command lam file1 file2 file3 file4 joins 4 files together along each line. To merge the lines from four different files use lam file1 -S " " file2 file3 file4 Every 2 lines of a file may be joined on one line with lam - - < file and a form letter with substitutions keyed by '@' can be done with lam -t @ letter changes SEE ALSO
join(1), pr(1), printf(3) BSD
December 1, 2001 BSD