Disk space threshold report

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# 1  
Old 08-08-2013
Disk space threshold report

Hi All,

I have a code which will give me the result of the diskspace which reached the threshold limit 70% and am redirecting it to report.txt . The code is given below.

df -g | awk '+$4 >= 70 {print}' >report.txt

Now i need your help , I need to use IF ELSE condition statment for getting the output as expected. If it reaches the threshold i should get the output which i will get for the above code, But if the server din face any threshold issues i should get the output as "No issues to report".

So In IF condition " Filesystems with 70% and more should get printed" in ELSE condition " If there is no threshold issues it should print like " NO ISSUES" ..

help needed immediately. Thanks for the help in advance
# 2  
Old 08-08-2013
You could follow it with the lines:-
if [ ! -s report.txt ]
   echo "No issues to report."

Does that help or are you after combining it with the awk command. That would be best served by having a counter incremented with each line, then having an END section to the awk

# 3  
Old 08-08-2013
Hi ,

So my code should looks like this am i right? Am just confirming before implementing

df -g | awk '+$4 >= 70 {print}' >report.txt
if [ ! -s report.txt ]
   echo "No issues to report."

# 4  
Old 08-08-2013
what os and version are you using? i just tried df -g on centos, ubuntu and opensuse where i got the illegal option error on "-g" ... i tried on solaris 10 and df -g does not give me a percent result ...
# 5  
Old 08-08-2013

AM using AIX
# 6  
Old 08-08-2013
i have no access to an aix box so i will take your word about the df -g output ... see below for modified code based on your requirements ...
df -g | awk '+$4 >= 70 {print}' > report.txt
if [ ! -s report.txt ]
    echo "No issues to report."
    echo "Filesystems at least 70% full"
    cat report.txt

# 7  
Old 08-08-2013
Am not getting the exact output for the code

df -g | awk '+$4 >= 70 {print}' >report.txtif [ ! -s report.txt ]then   echo "No issues to report."fi

Please correct me if am wrong, am getting the result for the 70% above as well

---------- Post updated at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:43 PM ----------

Hi , When i gave this code and gave cat command, i got the output like below

df -g | awk '+$4 >= 70 {print}' > report.txtif [ ! -s report.txt ]then    echo "No issues to report."else    echo "Filesystems at least 70% full"    cat report.txtfi

cat report.txt

Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on

I Should not get the "Filesystem GB Blocks Free " it shoudl return the output as No issues alone. Is there any suggestions for this
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