Another method for this snippet

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# 1  
Old 08-07-2013
Another method for this snippet

Hi All, i believe this is not very efficient. another method would be appreciated for these. basically i read a file with tab delimited column and pass the column to another perl script.

while read line
        timestamp=`echo "$line"|awk -F"\t" '{print $1}'`
        severity=`echo "$line"|awk -F"\t" '{print $2}'`
        server=`echo "$line"|awk -F"\t" '{print $5}'`
        message=`echo "$line"|awk -F"\t" '{print $4,$8}'` -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c "$severity" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h "$server" -e ORA -m "$messsage"

done < /opt/application.log

exit 0

# 2  
Old 08-07-2013
while read TIME SEV x MESS1 SERV x x MESS2 junk; do -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c "$SEV" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h "$SERV" -e ORA -m "$MESS1 $MESS2"
done < file

This User Gave Thanks to Scott For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-07-2013
May I suggest that the awk is massive overkill. If you are happy with a while read line loop, then try:-
while read timestamp severity x1 msg1 server x2 x3 msg2 rest
   message="$msg1 $msg2" -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c "$severity" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h "$server" -e ORA -m "$messsage"

done < /opt/application.log

Values x1, x2 & x3 are just placeholders. Variable rest captures everything from position 9 onwards (to leave msg2 as position 8)

I hope that this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to rbatte1 For This Post:
# 4  
Old 08-07-2013
thanks for the suggestion, yeah thought so, is there an alternative using all using awk? i forgot to mention that the column exceeds $9 it reaches around 19 columns

i can get the column using below but i dont know how to pass it to converter.perl.

awk '{split($0,s,"\t");print "server:"s[5],"date:"s[1],"serverity:"s[2]}' /opt/application.log

# 5  
Old 08-07-2013
Why would you want to use awk?

There's a number of ways. Such as:

awk '{print " -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c \"" $2 "\" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h  \"" $5 "\" -e ORA -m \""$4,$8 "\""}' file | sh

(without | sh for testing...)
$ cat file
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 J1
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 J2

$ awk '{print " -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c \"" $2 "\" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h  \"" $5 "\" -e ORA -m \""$4,$8 "\""}' file -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c "A2" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h  "A5" -e ORA -m "A4 A8" -r MS_OVO_PROXY -c "B2" -t T -i ORA_PERF_ALERT -h  "B5" -e ORA -m "B4 B8"

But stick with the while-loop. It's cleaner, and just as efficient.
This User Gave Thanks to Scott For This Post:
# 6  
Old 08-07-2013
looks like while loop is much efficient in this case. im actually learning awk so im figuring out how to do this via awk but i guess i should stick to while loop in this case then. thanks Smilie

---------- Post updated at 06:29 PM ---------- Previous update was at 06:20 PM ----------

The tab delimiter was ignored, it opted to use space delimiter instead via while loop

[oracle@server logs]$ while read timestamp severity XA MSG1 SERVER XB XC MSG2;do
>         message="$MSG1 $MSG2"
> echo "$timestamp"
> done < /opt/application.log
[oracle@server logs]$
[oracle@server logs]$ awk -F"\t" '{print $1}' /opt/application.log
2013/08/07 04:48:36:685
2013/08/07 04:48:36:685
2013/08/07 04:53:36:514
2013/08/07 04:55:16:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:36:505
2013/08/07 05:07:38:403
2013/08/07 05:07:38:642
[oracle@server logs]$

# 7  
Old 08-07-2013
If your delimiters are tabs and spaces, you shouldn't need to specify it.
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