Sequential numbers

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# 1  
Old 10-05-2011
Sequential numbers

Hi All,
I am looking for a simple way to write numbers to a file sequentially starting from 1 and ending on a specified upper limit. Example of the output file is below


please let me know the best way to do it.
# 2  
Old 10-05-2011
Is it just me or has the world become too lazy? I'm sure with 115 posts to your name you must have come across the famous for loop, available in a language of your choosing.
# 3  
Old 10-05-2011
many ways to skin your cat...

e.g. bash:
#  echo {1..1000}|tr " " "\n">file

# 4  
Old 10-06-2011
using while loop ..
$ i=1; while [ $i -le 100 ]; do echo $i; i=$((i+1)); done

# 5  
Old 10-06-2011
On Linux box, you can use the seq command :
$ seq 5
$ seq 2 5
$ seq 1 2 10

# 6  
Old 10-06-2011

On Linux and other platforms, e.g. freebsd:
vm-freebsd ~ % version =o
OS, ker|rel, machine: FreeBSD, 8.0-RELEASE, i386
vm-freebsd ~ % jot 5 11

cheers, drl
# 7  
Old 10-06-2011
just another awk ...
awk 'BEGIN{ while (++x<=10)print x; exit}'

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