I didn't understand the "divided by 2" reason as your statement is not clear.
Probably you want to split the final output file for being too large?
From the comments, If I understood you correctly, This is what you can do..
1) create two file which contains all the "vi files" and "ci files". The the order must be sequential. i.e "June.ci" and "June.vi" must be at the same line in both the files.
2) If you are not sure about the files i.e "June.ci" is there but "june.vi" is missing, You need to handle that condition to ignore that file. (its easy)
I don't understand some of the syntax in your code, may you explain me please the parts in red please?
Most of the part you will understand yourself if you think about it.
I will try to help you explaining and/or the source where you can get the help. (man pages are the easiest and best way offcourse).
replacing "_vi" with "_ci" in the variable "$i". ( output to STDOUT, hence redirected to file). Check for string manipulation in bash/ksh.
opening the file for reading with file descriptor 6. ( you can use any number form 3 to 9. since 0,1 and 2 are the standard descriptor used for STDIN,STDOIUT and STDERR respectively.) See IO Redirection for more details
Its your choice. "-r" invokes the "restricted shell". man bash and search for RESTRICTED SHELL.
Reading input line by line from the file (which is FD 6 now ) each line is in the variable "vi".
Yes. syntax for closing FD.
"proc" is the name of the file. executing with "./". No relation with "cat".
7-) Regarding the "cat proc" block, do you know how many lines can store or how is the capacity in memory before print them?
"cat proc" will show the contents of the file "proc" to the screen (STDOUT).
Most of the part you will understand yourself if you think about it.
I will try to help you explaining and/or the source where you can get the help. (man pages are the easiest and best way offcourse).
Hope it helps.
Many thanks anchal_khare, for sure it will help me a lot, I've read the links you suggested me and I understand many more things of your script now.
I have xml file like below, i want change the values at default-value place of each argument name using shell script. like
where argument name= protocol and default-value=tcp,
where argument name =port and default-value= 7223,
where argument name = username and default-value=test,
... (12 Replies)
hi, i am new to unix and i have a problem.
<email> sebben@example.com
script_mail written in the vi editor.
script to change the value in attribute <email>
echo... (3 Replies)
hi Guys,
this is my requirement, there is a huge xml file of this i have to change 3 lines with out opening the file
/users/oracle > cat lnxdb-pts-454.xml|egrep "s_virtual|s_cluster|s_dlsnstatus"
<cluster_port oa_var="s_clusterServicePort">9998</cluster_port>
<host... (2 Replies)
Dear Members,
I have a table in Oracle DB and one of its column name is INFO which has data in text format which we need to fetch in a script and create an xml file of a new table from the input.
The contents of a single cell of INFO column is like:
Area:app - aam
Clean Up Criteria:... (0 Replies)
I am new to UNIX and shell scripting.
I have to create a shell script(ksh) which parses log4j.xml file for a given webservice name and change the corresponding value from INFO to DEBUG or vice-versa.
My log4j.xml looks like:-
<!-- Appender WEBSERVICENAME-->
<appender... (3 Replies)
Hi All,
I am new user of shell scripting has come up with a problem. that I have a directory structure like :
| |----trunk
| |-------A_0_1/
| |
| |-------A_0_2/
| ... (6 Replies)
I have an xml file:
<AutoData xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<Data1 10 </Data1>
<Data2 20 </Data2>
<Data3 40 </Data3>
and I have to remove the portion xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" only.
I tried using sed... (10 Replies)
Before i start doing something, I wanted to know whether the approach to compare XML file with UNIX file system structure. I have a pre-configured file(contains a list of paths to executables) and i need to check against the UNIX directory structure. what are the various approches should i use ? I... (6 Replies)
Hello all
i have some function what looks like this
now i need to convert it to :
is there any wasy way to do that consider that the arg1+2+3 can be also... (1 Reply)