Folder level size monitoring

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# 22  
Old 10-07-2011
Hi Alister,

Totally accept your comment. Should have been very clear with my requirements. It's only that I have been testing Robin's code and realizing that I would need more stuff. Sorry about that. Yes, I think it would be grt if the code can also include (apart from the top level directory) to give me the list of directory size of the individual sub-directories (size to include the contents of all its subdirectories). And this means that any directory meeting exceeding the growth limit will cause all components of its path to also exceed their limit. With his I will know which sub-directory under a directory/sub-directory is hitting the size limit. It would also be great if we can report on the actual size in KB or MB.

# 23  
Old 10-10-2011
Hi Robin,

If possible can you please help me out with my last two posts/comments.

# 24  
Old 10-10-2011

Well, all the variables/values should already be there for you to craft an appropriate message. have you read the code and understood it? If so, then I would hope that you would have the information to acheive this.

Sizes reported by du differ by installation, but you should get KB by using the -k flag, or there may be other options available to you. Check the manual page.

Subdirectoriesare being explicitly rolled into the parent directory with -s Again, check your man page for any other variations that might be available. If you want all sub-directories then this vastly increases the risk that it will go seriously SmiliewildSmilie if a user creates or deletes a directory. Probably best to give a top level report and instruct users how to check subdirectory usage themselves.

Have you considered enforcing some sort of quota? Various operating systems allow you to set a quota. Another way would be to have a report run each day that reports anything large, but that will probably lead to manual checking I'm afriad.

I hope that this helps,
# 25  
Old 10-10-2011
Hi Robin,

Thanks. As informed earlier, I am new to scripts...though I can understand what the script does..I am not sure how to extract the size part from it. I will give it a try and let you know.

# 26  
Old 10-12-2011
Hi Robin,

Thanks for the tip. I used the prev_size and curr_size varibales to get the directory size representation in the alert email. A big Thank you for helping me out with this.

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