compare lines in a file

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# 1  
Old 10-03-2011
Question compare lines in a file

Hi Folks,

I need to compare the cron's timings from a text file. Need to display how much time does it took for that job.

For example i have the below txt file, I have cron1 started at 05:23:15 and completed at 05:25:57, now i need to find how much time did it took to complete corn1 job for a particular time also need to compare cron, cron2, cron3 with cron, cron2, cron3 respectively. Cron1 has been restarted at 07:38:25, but this should be compared to only cron1 which ran at 07:45:48.
$ cat sample.TXT
  cron1  Begin      05:23:15          
  cron1  Complete 05:25:57         
  cron2  Begin      05:36:45          
  cron3  Begin      05:36:45          
  cron   Begin      05:36:45           
  cron   Complete   05:40:02          
  cron2  Complete   05:42:03
  cron1  Begin      07:38:25          
  cron1  Complete   07:45:48

I really appreciate your help. Thank you in advance Smilie

Sendhil Kumaran

Last edited by Franklin52; 10-05-2011 at 03:09 AM.. Reason: Please use code tags, thank you
# 2  
Old 10-03-2011
The entries are straightforward and an awk or even shell script will do the job...tricky entries are those that rollover to the next a cron job that starts 3 mins before midnight and completes 2 mins past midnight. If you have those entries post them to get an idea of their format and use perl to process that data...but first of all what have you tried to solve this.
# 3  
Old 10-03-2011
Not sure your expect output, below code can support overnight time calculate.

 awk 'function t(x,y,z) {return x+y/60+z/3600}
      /Begin/ {a[$1]=$3}
      /Complete/&&a[$1] { split(a[$1],b,":") 
                          printf "cronjob %s used %.2f hours\n", $1, t(c[1],c[2],c[3])-t(b[1],b[2],b[3])
                          delete a[$1]
                        }' sample.TXT

cronjob cron1 used 0.04 hours
cronjob cron used 0.05 hours
cronjob cron2 used 0.09 hours
cronjob cron1 used 0.12 hours

This User Gave Thanks to rdcwayx For This Post:
# 4  
Old 10-04-2011
Thanks a lot I will try it out Smilie

Originally Posted by rdcwayx
Not sure your expect output, below code can support overnight time calculate.

 awk 'function t(x,y,z) {return x+y/60+z/3600}
      /Begin/ {a[$1]=$3}
      /Complete/&&a[$1] { split(a[$1],b,":") 
                          printf "cronjob %s used %.2f hours\n", $1, t(c[1],c[2],c[3])-t(b[1],b[2],b[3])
                          delete a[$1]
                        }' sample.TXT

cronjob cron1 used 0.04 hours
cronjob cron used 0.05 hours
cronjob cron2 used 0.09 hours
cronjob cron1 used 0.12 hours

---------- Post updated 10-04-11 at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous update was 10-03-11 at 08:45 PM ----------

Thanks mate its working for meSmilie can you please let me know how can I modify this to consider seconds also??? As because Currently it's considering only minutes


QUOTE=rdcwayx;302561310]Not sure your expect output, below code can support overnight time calculate.

 awk 'function t(x,y,z) {return x+y/60+z/3600}
      /Begin/ {a[$1]=$3}
      /Complete/&&a[$1] { split(a[$1],b,":") 
                          printf "cronjob %s used %.2f hours\n", $1, t(c[1],c[2],c[3])-t(b[1],b[2],b[3])
                          delete a[$1]
                        }' sample.TXT

cronjob cron1 used 0.04 hours
cronjob cron used 0.05 hours
cronjob cron2 used 0.09 hours
cronjob cron1 used 0.12 hours

# 5  
Old 10-04-2011
gawk 'function time(r,s,t,x,y,z) 
      {str1=mktime("2011 1 1" FS r FS s FS t)
       str2=mktime("2011 1 1" FS x FS y FS z)
       return sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d",H,M,S) 
      /Begin/ {a[$1]=$3}
      /Complete/&&a[$1] { split(a[$1],b,":") 
                          printf "cronjob %-6s used %s\n", $1, time(c[1],c[2],c[3],b[1],b[2],b[3])
                          delete a[$1]
                        }' sample.TXT

cronjob cron1  used 00:02:42
cronjob cron   used 00:03:17
cronjob cron2  used 00:05:18
cronjob cron1  used 00:07:23

This User Gave Thanks to rdcwayx For This Post:
# 6  
Old 10-05-2011
Fabulous thanks a ton Smilie It is working perfectly for me. If possible can you please elaborate for my knowledge. Appreciate your kind support and Once again Thank you so much.


Originally Posted by rdcwayx
gawk 'function time(r,s,t,x,y,z) 
      {str1=mktime("2011 1 1" FS r FS s FS t)
       str2=mktime("2011 1 1" FS x FS y FS z)
       return sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d",H,M,S) 
      /Begin/ {a[$1]=$3}
      /Complete/&&a[$1] { split(a[$1],b,":") 
                          printf "cronjob %-6s used %s\n", $1, time(c[1],c[2],c[3],b[1],b[2],b[3])
                          delete a[$1]
                        }' sample.TXT

cronjob cron1  used 00:02:42
cronjob cron   used 00:03:17
cronjob cron2  used 00:05:18
cronjob cron1  used 00:07:23

Last edited by Sendhil.Kumaran; 10-05-2011 at 04:24 PM..
# 7  
Old 10-11-2011
Great work very helpful.

Yeah, I got a similar kind of the things to do, but in my log file I do have file size for both start and end. Now I need to print difference and the file size.

My log has the following fields in same format. So now by using the above script I did get diff between start and end. Next is that I need to display file size from start only as in end statement the file size is always zero.

File1 start time filesize
File1 end time filesize
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