awk eating too much memory?

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# 1  
Old 09-30-2011
awk eating too much memory?

Hi all,

using AWK iam sorting auniq data from a file the file size is 8GB, while running that script , the over all cpu usage will be nearly 8
how to avoid this ?? any other alternate is available for awk?

Thanks in Advance
Anish kumar.V
# 2  
Old 09-30-2011
you didnt post your awk statement. without seeing the awk statement. we cannot tell, whats going wrong
# 3  
Old 09-30-2011
Nearly 8 what? Are you talking about CPU usage or memory now?

I can't tell why your script's doing either without seeing what it is.

If possible you could use the sort utility to sort, most versions use temp files in an intelligent fashion to not overburden the machine with too much memory use.

There's no straightforward way to reduce its CPU use, a CPU intensive operation like sorting is always going to use as much as it can get. But you can easily make it yield to more important things, which is usually just as good. just nice scriptname instead of scriptname
# 4  
Old 09-30-2011
You should probably use 'sleep' somewhere in your code. This would certainly help. But without your code there it would be hard to say where, or how long you should sleep.
# 5  
Old 09-30-2011
too many swaping
# 6  
Old 09-30-2011
Originally Posted by Azrael
You should probably use 'sleep' somewhere in your code. This would certainly help. But without your code there it would be hard to say where, or how long you should sleep.
I would consider that bad advice. If a sleep is not mandatory (such as when polling a resource at an interval), don't do it. What if the machine is otherwise idle when the script is run? Or very busy? What if the script is migrated to a different machine with more muscle? Or less? As circumstances change, in a futile attempt to achieve optimal system utilization, you'd need to tinker with the sleep time.

It's much better to let the operating system's scheduler handle prioritization. That's what it's there for. nice/renice, as Corona688 suggested, is a much better alternative.

This User Gave Thanks to alister For This Post:
# 7  
Old 09-30-2011
Hi all,

Sorry for the late Reply this is my Script Using this script we are using for domain count.


current_date=`date +%d-%m-%Y_%H.%M.%S`
today=`date +%d%m%Y`
yesterday=`date -d 'yesterday' '+%d%m%Y'`

cd $RootPath
echo Intelliscan Process started for .BIZ TLD $current_date >> $LOG

## Using Wget Downloading the Zone files it will try only one time
if ! wget --tries=1 --ftp-user=USERNAME --ftp-password=PASSWORD ftp://ftp.URL/zone.gz

    echo Download Not Success Domain count Failed With Error >> $LOG
    exit 1
###The downloaded file in Gunzip format from that we need to unzip and start the domain count process####

gunzip zone.gz
mv $RootPath/$

###### It will start the Count #####
awk '/^[^ ]+ IN NS/ && !_[$1]++{print $1; tot++}END{print "\nTotal",tot,"Domains"}' $RootPath/$ > $RootPath/zonefile/$
awk '/Total/ {print $2}' $RootPath/zonefile/$ > $RootPath/$today.count

### Calculation Part
a=$(< $RootPath/$today.count)
b=$(< $RootPath/$yesterday.count)
c=$(awk 'NR==FNR{a[$0];next} $0 in a{tot++}END{print tot}' $RootPath/zonefile/$ $RootPath/zonefile/$

echo "$current_date Today Count For BIZ TlD $a" >> $LOG
echo "$current_date New Registration Domain Counts $((c - a))" >> $LOG
echo "$current_date Deleted Domain Counts $((c - b))" >> $LOG
cat $LOG | mail -s "BIZ Tld Count log"

Using This Script we remove the duplicates from the file and count the unique domains.

Its Typo error, my overall load average become more than 8 and awk using that time maximum amount of cpu usage.

Last edited by anishkumarv; 09-30-2011 at 10:23 AM..
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