how to replace a particular character in perl

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to replace a particular character in perl
# 1  
Old 09-30-2011
Question how to replace a particular character in perl


I have a file with two string :

now i want a command in perl script, which gives me the result as :

Can anyone help me on this plz..

thanks in advane.
# 2  
Old 09-30-2011
$ perl -F_ -lane 'print "$F[0]_$F[1]_$F[2].$F[3]"' test

This User Gave Thanks to itkamaraj For This Post:
# 3  
Old 09-30-2011

hi itkamaraj,

thanks for your reply.
but it is an example .. actually the last word is not alaway as fourth word.

say another string is..
another ... ss_dd_ff_gg_hh_hjk

then how can i do that..
Thanks in advance
# 4  
Old 09-30-2011


Try this code

perl -F_ -lane '$_=~ s/(.+)\_(.+)/$1\.$2/g;print $_;'  file

file - input file

# 5  
Old 09-30-2011

Hi rangarsan,

many many thanks to you.. It works fine and solved my problem.Smilie

But can you please explain the regex portion.Smilie
It will help me a lot.

Thanks again
# 6  
Old 09-30-2011

Originally Posted by arup1980
Hi rangarsan,

many many thanks to you.. It works fine and solved my problem.Smilie

But can you please explain the regex portion.Smilie
It will help me a lot.

Thanks again

$_=~ s/(.+)\_(.+)/$1\.$2/g;

s modifier used to substitute
g modifier denotes global


will matches the strings upto last _

will matches the last _

will matches the last string after last _


denotes first match string (.+) upto last _

denotes second match string (.+) after last _

then we are using these string to substitute.
$_=~ s/(.+)\_(.+)/$1\.$2/g;

we are replacing the _ in bolded portion.

# 7  
Old 09-30-2011
Thanks again...SmilieSmilieSmilie

its very useful ....
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