grep second instance of same string

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# 1  
Old 09-29-2011
grep second instance of same string

Hi all, i am new to unix scripting in ksh or any shell for that matter. I have downloaded a xml file from a website and saved on my local harddrive. inside the xml, the same tag is listed multiple times.


i was able to find the first occurrence of the line with:
ls file.xml | while read line; do
    fileTitle=`grep -m 1 "<title>" "$line" | sed s/".*\<title\>"//g | sed s/"\<\/title\>.*"//g`

Which my end result was to output the string "Tonight" all by itself.

However, i am choking on trying to find the 2nd occurrence of <title> and 3rd and so on, so i can print each day of the week as its own variable Smilie Smilie

I am in dire help and cannot figure this out, any help will be greatly appreciated.
# 2  
Old 09-29-2011
How about this:

awk -vN=$SEQ -F'[<>]' '$2=="title" && !--N { print $3 ; exit }' infile.xml

# 3  
Old 09-29-2011
that didn't work Smilie

here is the extent of my script so far


cd $basefolder

ls file.xml | while read line; do
fileTitle=`grep -m 1 "<title>" "$line" | sed s/".*\<title\>"//g | sed s/"\<\/title\>.*"//g`
fileTitle2-`awk -vN=$SEQ -F'[<>]' '$2=="title" && !--N { print $3 ; exit }' file.xml`

echo $fileTitle
echo $fileTitle2


This is what i get from the terminal
computer:~ me$ . 
awk: invalid -v option


# 4  
Old 09-29-2011
You may need to use nawk if your on Solaris:

ls file.xml | while read line; do
fileTitle=`grep -m 1 "<title>" "$line" | sed s/".*\<title\>"//g | sed s/"\<\/title\>.*"//g`
fileTitle2=`nawk -vN=$SEQ -F'[<>]' '$2=="title" && !--N { print $3 ; exit }' $line`
echo $fileTitle
echo $fileTitle2

# 5  
Old 09-29-2011
Im on Mac OS X

-bash: nawk: command not found

i guess it doesn't like nawk, ugh
# 6  
Old 09-29-2011
OK, the awk on Mac OS seems a little strange, perhaps best to avoid using -v at all try this:

ls file.xml | while read line; do
fileTitle=`grep -m 1 "<title>" "$line" | sed s/".*\<title\>"//g | sed s/"\<\/title\>.*"//g`
fileTitle2=`awk -F'[<>]' '$2=="title" && !--N { print $3 ; exit }' N=$SEQ $line`
echo $fileTitle
echo $fileTitle2

# 7  
Old 09-30-2011
That worked! Thank you very much!
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