target string to delete

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# 1  
Old 09-27-2011
target string to delete

Hi all,
I have a text file with a lot of records.
In each records I have tags like this:

=952 \\$aBNCS-CH\\$bBNCS-CH\\$h1989\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCS-C.UNIV\\$bBNCS-C.UNIV\\$h1974-77.\\$oBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$pBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.\\$bBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.\\$h\\$oBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$pBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$yJNL

I must format the $a and $b column in order to delete the "-" and text could not be > to 10 caracters.
So here is the exemple as the files have to be at the end:

=952 \\$aBNCSCH\\$bBNCSCH\\$h1989\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCSC.UNIV\\$bBNCSC.UNIV\\$h1974-77.\\$oBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$pBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCSCH1989\\$bBNCSCH1989\\$h\\$oBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$pBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$yJNL

As yoou can see, the rest of the column is the same.
How can I do this? If $a and $b were the same in each records I could do that with replace but it's always diferent.

# 2  
Old 09-27-2011
awk -F'\\\\\\\\' '{
  sub(/-/, x, $2)
  sub(/-/, x, $3)
  $2 = substr($2, 1, 12)
  $3 = substr($3, 1, 12)
  }1' OFS='\\\\' infile

# 3  
Old 09-27-2011
Thanks for your prompt answer.
I think there is a problem,
I paste here one record:
This is the original before the awk command.

=LDR  00901nas  2200205 i 4500
=005  20061017111721.0
=008  920528d19721998sp\br\p\r\\\\\0\\\a\spa\d
=022  0\$a0300-5062
=041  0\$aspa
=210  0\$aActas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines
=245  00$aActas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines /$cGrupo para el progreso de la Psiquiatria.
=260  \\$aMadrid : $bGarsi, $c1972-1998.
=270  \\$aLondres 17. 28028 Madrid
=300  \\$c26 cm.
=310  \\$aBimensual
=525  \\$aTiene como suplemento: "Actas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines. Suplemento", ISSN, 1137-604X.
=650  14$aPsiquiatr{rcommaa}a.
=780  00$aEs continuaci{dbldotb}n de. $tActas luso-espa{ogon}olas de neurolog{rcommaa}a y psiquiatr{rcommaa}a$xISSN 0001-7329
=785  00$cContinuada por$tActas Espa{ogon}olas de Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a $xISSN 1139-9287
=952 \\$aBNCS-CH\\$bBNCS-CH\\$h(1988-1989)1990-91(1992)1993(1994)1995-97(1998).\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL

As you see, there are a lot of TAGS starting with =
I only want to apply the awk into the TAG =952
Because after aplying the code look the result:

=LDR  00901nas  2200205 i 4500\\\\
=005  20061017111721.0\\\\
=008  920528d19721998sp\br\p\r\\\\\0\\\a\spa\d
=022  0\$a0300-5062\\\\
=041  0\$aspa\\\\
=210  0\$aActas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines\\\\
=245  00$aActas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines /$cGrupo para el progreso de la Psiquiatria.\\\\
=260  \\$aMadrid : $\\
=270  \\$aLondres 17\\
=300  \\$c26 cm.\\
=310  \\$aBimensual\\
=525  \\$aTiene como\\
=650  14$aPsiquiatr{rcommaa}a.\\\\
=780  00$aEs continuaci{dbldotb}n de. $tActas luso-espa{ogon}olas de neurolog{rcommaa}a y psiquiatr{rcommaa}a$xISSN 0001-7329\\\\
=785  00$cContinuada por$tActas Espa{ogon}olas de Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a $xISSN 1139-9287\\\\
=952 \\$aBNCSCH\\$bBNCSCH\\$h(1988-1989)1990-91(1992)1993(1994)1995-97(1998).\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL

The =952 is ok, but for exemple you have the =260 truncated...

=260  \\$aMadrid : $bGarsi, $c1972-1998.

=260  \\$aMadrid : $\\

Is it possible to apply just into =952?

# 4  
Old 09-27-2011
Here's one way to do it with Perl -

$ cat f27
=LDR  00901nas  2200205 i 4500
=005  20061017111721.0
=008  920528d19721998sp\br\p\r\\\\\0\\\a\spa\d
=022  0\$a0300-5062
=041  0\$aspa
=210  0\$aActas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines
=245  00$aActas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines /$cGrupo para el progreso de la Psiquiatria.
=260  \\$aMadrid : $bGarsi, $c1972-1998.
=270  \\$aLondres 17. 28028 Madrid
=300  \\$c26 cm.
=310  \\$aBimensual
=525  \\$aTiene como suplemento: "Actas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines. Suplemento", ISSN, 1137-604X.
=650  14$aPsiquiatr{rcommaa}a.
=780  00$aEs continuaci{dbldotb}n de. $tActas luso-espa{ogon}olas de neurolog{rcommaa}a y psiquiatr{rcommaa}a$xISSN 0001-7329
=785  00$cContinuada por$tActas Espa{ogon}olas de Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a $xISSN 1139-9287
=952 \\$aBNCS-CH\\$bBNCS-CH\\$h(1988-1989)1990-91(1992)1993(1994)1995-97(1998).\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCS-CH\\$bBNCS-CH\\$h1989\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCS-C.UNIV\\$bBNCS-C.UNIV\\$h1974-77.\\$oBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$pBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.\\$bBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.\\$h\\$oBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$pBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$yJNL
$ perl -lne 'if (/^(=952\s*)(\\\\\$a)(.*?)(\\\\\$b)(.*?)(\\\\.*)$/) {
              ($p, $q, $r, $s, $t, $u) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
              $r =~ s/-//g; $r =~ s/^(.{10}).*/$1/;
              $t =~ s/-//g; $t =~ s/^(.{10}).*/$1/;
              print "$p$q$r$s$t$u"
            } else {print}
           ' f27
=LDR  00901nas  2200205 i 4500
=005  20061017111721.0
=008  920528d19721998sp\br\p\r\\\\\0\\\a\spa\d
=022  0\$a0300-5062
=041  0\$aspa
=210  0\$aActas Luso Esp Neurol Psiquiatr Cienc Afines
=245  00$aActas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines /$cGrupo para el progreso de la Psiquiatria.
=260  \\$aMadrid : $bGarsi, $c1972-1998.
=270  \\$aLondres 17. 28028 Madrid
=300  \\$c26 cm.
=310  \\$aBimensual
=525  \\$aTiene como suplemento: "Actas Luso Espa{ogon}olas de Neurolog{rcommaa}a, Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a y Ciencias Afines. Suplemento", ISSN, 1137-604X.
=650  14$aPsiquiatr{rcommaa}a.
=780  00$aEs continuaci{dbldotb}n de. $tActas luso-espa{ogon}olas de neurolog{rcommaa}a y psiquiatr{rcommaa}a$xISSN 0001-7329
=785  00$cContinuada por$tActas Espa{ogon}olas de Psiquiatr{rcommaa}a $xISSN 1139-9287
=952 \\$aBNCSCH\\$bBNCSCH\\$h(1988-1989)1990-91(1992)1993(1994)1995-97(1998).\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCSCH\\$bBNCSCH\\$h1989\\$oBNCS-CH0000001\\$pBNCS-CH0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCSC.UNIV\\$bBNCSC.UNIV\\$h1974-77.\\$oBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$pBNCS-C.UNIV0000001\\$yJNL
=952 \\$aBNCSCH1989\\$bBNCSCH1989\\$h\\$oBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$pBNCS-CH1989-96,1998-2008.0000001\\$yJNL


PS: Not sure why that text gets underlined on its own, or how to fix that.
# 5  
Old 09-28-2011
awk -F'\\\\\\\\' '/^=952/ {
  sub(/-/, x, $2)
  sub(/-/, x, $3)
  $2 = substr($2, 1, 12)
  $3 = substr($3, 1, 12)
  }1' OFS='\\\\' infile

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