Get values from different columns from file2 when match values of file1

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Get values from different columns from file2 when match values of file1
# 15  
Old 09-28-2011
Thanks Franklin, I'll try your suggestion.

Many thanks again.

Best regards

---------- Post updated at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous update was at 03:00 AM ----------

Hi again Fraklin,

It looks it works, but one issue I didn't notice.

In real file some fields appear incomplete because in file2, sometimes there are commas within some fields but they are surounded by double quotes to know that is the same field as below in red.
CodeA1,Data1,4,"Text1,AKS,DDDD",Guide1,"FRT, YYSFF, TERE",Name1,Prod1,Cat1,TYYF-981,105
CodeA3,Data3,13,Text3,Guide3,"FRT,TTY, GERT",Name3,Prod3,Cat3,HHJUI-12,42

The current script treats that fields as different fields.

How can be fixed this?

Many thanks again.

# 16  
Old 09-29-2011
Hmm... it becomes more complicated, you could use the scenario below:

Change the field separator temporary to ";"
awk -F "\"" ' {
  for(i=1;i<=NF;i+=2) {
    gsub(",", ";", $i)
}1' OFS="\"" file2 > temp

Do your stuff here with the new field separator:
awk -F; ' 
NR==FNR{idx=$1; a[idx]=$5;b[idx]=$2;c[idx]=$4;d[idx]=$3; next} FNR==1{print; next} 
a[$1]{$2=a[$1]; $3=b[$1];$4=c[$1];$9=d[$1]; print} 
' OFS=, temp file1 > file3

And change the field separator to ","
awk -F "\"" ' {
  for(i=1;i<=NF;i+=2) {
    gsub(";", ",", $i)
}1' OFS="\"" file3 > newfile

rm file3

This User Gave Thanks to Franklin52 For This Post:
# 17  
Old 09-29-2011
Hi Franklin,

Nice code to change field separator. I modificated file1 and file2 created 2 temp files, then I run the 2nd code and the results now are correct and I stored in temp3.

Finally I passed a sed script (sed 's/;/,/g' temp3 > Output ) to replace field separator that remains only for first line.

Great help you provided me Franklin, many thanks for all.

Best regards
# 18  
Old 09-29-2011
Originally Posted by cgkmal
Hi Franklin,

Nice code to change field separator. I modificated file1 and file2 created 2 temp files, then I run the 2nd code and the results now are correct and I stored in temp3.

Finally I passed a sed script (sed 's/;/,/g' temp3 > Output ) to replace field separator that remains only for first line.

Great help you provided me Franklin, many thanks for all.

Best regards
No problem man, you're welcome!
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