Counts based on occurances

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# 1  
Old 09-26-2011
Counts based on occurances


I have a file with 2500 entries. There are many duplicates,triplicates symbols in my file in the first column and the second column has categories(high/medium/low) . I want to have count for the occurances of each category for each unique symbol

ABC   high
ABC   high
ABC   medium
ABC   low
ABC   low
XYZ   low
XYZ   low
XYZ   low
XYZ   high
XYZ   high

Symbol high medium low
ABC  2  1  2
XYZ  2 0  3

# 2  
Old 09-26-2011
If the categories are as shown:

$ awk '{ S[$1]=1 ; V[$1 $2]++ }
 END {
         for(K in S)
                 printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", K, V[K "low"], V[K "medium"], V[K "high"]);
         }' < data

ABC     2       1       2
XYZ     3       0       2

---------- Post updated at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous update was at 10:25 AM ----------

Or, if there's actually more categories than that:

$ cat anycat.awk
{       S[$1]=1;        C[$2]=1;        V[$1 $2]++;     }
        for(COL in C)   printf("\t%s", COL);

        for(K in S)
                printf("%s", K);
                for(COL in C)
                        printf("\t%d", V[K COL]);

$ awk -f anycat.awk < data
#       high    low     medium
ABC     2       2       1
XYZ     2       3       0

# 3  
Old 09-26-2011
Thank you..It worked Smilie
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