Quick Sed Question

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# 1  
Old 09-26-2011
Quick Sed Question

Just want to know why when I do the following in sed, the required is not extracted.

echo "ab01cde234" | sed 's/[0-9]*$//'

result: ab01cde (Which is correct)

echo "ab01cde234" |sed 's/.*\([0-9]*\)$/\1/'

result: blank (was expecting 234)
echo "ab01cde234" |sed 's/.*\([0-9]\)*$/\1/'

result: blank (was expecting 234)

Am i missing something here? Also note that 234 can be has many digits, just need to extract the last section of the digits.


Last edited by pludi; 09-26-2011 at 07:38 AM..
# 2  
Old 09-26-2011
you can try thisSmilie
echo "ab01cde234" |sed 's/.\{7\}\([0-9]*\)$/\1/'

.* --> covers all string and sed does not consider your remaining exp that ( \([0-9]*\)$ )

# 3  
Old 09-26-2011
Thanks ygemici, but the {7} is doing a fixed set of characters at the beginning of the string, is there any way just to extract the last set of digits, without fixing the initial character set.

# 4  
Old 09-26-2011
echo "ab01cde234" |sed 's/.*[^0-9]//'

The above matches the longst string which ends in something which is not a member of [0-9]. It substitutes the match with "nothing". Thus it returns the rest of the line.

More precise would be to force it to start from the start of the line.

Last edited by pludi; 09-26-2011 at 08:24 AM..
# 5  
Old 09-26-2011
this one?
echo "ab01cde234" | sed 's/.*[a-z]\([0-9]*\)$/\1/g'

# 6  
Old 09-26-2011
Thks guys, the last two did the trick.

Many Thanks for your help on this.
# 7  
Old 09-26-2011
Originally Posted by eo29
Thanks ygemici, but the {7} is doing a fixed set of characters at the beginning of the string, is there any way just to extract the last set of digits, without fixing the initial character set.

Hi Ed
sed does not parse your expression for dynamic strings
if you has fixed string then it can be write with sed.
however you can use grep for your needs more sensiblely Smilie

echo "ab01cde234"|grep -o "[0-9]*$"

if you want to use sed , maybe you can try like this
echo "ab01cde234" | sed 's/.*[a-zA-Z]\([0-9][0-9]*\)[A-Za-z]*/\1/g'

echo "abca121a1b01cde23412zxxx1212aa" | sed 's/.*[a-zA-Z]\([0-9][0-9]*\)[A-Za-z]*/\1/g'

Originally Posted by ahamed101
this one?
echo "ab01cde234" | sed 's/.*[a-z]\([0-9]*\)$/\1/g'

this expression only make this examples not global!.
for example
echo "ab01cde234AA" | sed 's/.*[a-z]\([0-9]*\)$/\1/g'

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