Date Calculations using script!!

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# 1  
Old 09-23-2011
Date Calculations using script!!

Hi all,

Thanks in Advance , i am very new to programming part in script i think using some caluations+ sed command only we can do this process in script.

for exampl:

i have file in that one line is like this

between '2011-08-01' and '2011-12-01'
using sed i can replace the date and all but my requirement is

The script runs every friday , suppose if i run this on 10th month means.

the script need to change the value in the file like this

between '2011-09-01' and '2012-01-01'
every time the month alone need to change in this date format

between 'current month -1month' and 'current month + 3 months'
is this possible need your guidance to solve this thread

Last edited by anishkumarv; 09-23-2011 at 09:01 PM..
# 2  
Old 09-23-2011
Try the shell builtins or awk...sed isnt suited for arithmetic.
# 3  
Old 09-24-2011

This is the Exact fiile

select as cli_id,b.login as cli_login, b.pname as cli_name, b.cname as cli_company, as cli_phone, as cli_email, (select (value / 1048576) from Limits where limit_name='disk_space' and id=b.limits_id) as Client_Package, b.cr_date, (select FROM_UNIXTIME(value,"%Y-%m-%d") from Limits where limit_name='expiration' and id=b.limits_id) as Client_expire, If(b.status=0,'Active','Inactive') as Cli_Status, as dom_name, If(a.status=0,'Active','Inactive') as Dom_Package, a.cr_date as dom_create, (select FROM_UNIXTIME(value,"%Y-%m-%d") from Limits where limit_name='expiration' and id=a.limits_id) as dom_expire, (select (value / 1048576) from Limits where limit_name='disk_space' and id=a.limits_id) as Dom_Package, round((a.real_size / 1048576)) as Dom_usage from domains a, clients b where (select FROM_UNIXTIME(value,"%Y-%m-%d") from Limits where limit_name='expiration' and id=a.limits_id and (FROM_UNIXTIME(value,"%Y-%m-%d") between '2011-08-01' and '2011-12-01') ) and group by;

'2011-08-01' and '2011-12-01'

i need to change this date part alone change every time.

between 'current month -1month' and 'current month + 3 months'

any help using AWK appriciated

---------- Post updated at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous update was at 06:16 AM ----------

Hi all,

I used this commad but still no luck :-(

sed -i "/between  '2011-08-01' and '2011-12-01'/'between '$(date --date="- 1 month" +%Y-%m)-01' and '$(date --date="+ 3 months" +%Y-%m)-01'/g" /var/tmp/p.sql

With Regard
Anish kumar.V

---------- Post updated at 11:28 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:05 PM ----------

sed "s/between[^)]*/between '$(date --date="- 1 month" +%Y-%m)-01' and '$(date --date="+ 3 months" +%Y-%m)-01'/" /var/tmp/p.sql

using this i got the output what i expect :-)
# 4  
Old 09-24-2011
See this thread for the full discussion.

[SOLVED] Date Calculations using script!!
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