I am trying to create a script that will read directories over 180 days so I can tar them and back them up. I am stuck on this part.
When I run this I get "expr: syntax error"
If i replace
FIND_OLD_DIR='find . -type d -mtime +180' with
then it works and displays "LCOM"
I am assuming it is because FIND_OLD_DIR is holding multiple values from my multiple directories.
My question is how do I make this work. Do I need an array? Do I write it out to a file and then read the file back in one at a time? What is the easiest way. I am new to shell scripting.
FIND_OLD_DIR is holding the literal string "find . -type d -mtime +180". You used single quotes, not backticks.
You don't need backticks or eval, though. Which is good because
1) Backticks can only hold a limited number of results
2) Eval is dangerous. If someone had a file named `rm -Rf ~/*` they'd have a real rotten day.
You also want find to stop when it matches a dir and match no deeper, otherwise it may find more folders inside the folder.
If you find thousands and thousands of directories, tar might be run more than once because there'd be too many filenames to fit in one call to tar. Hunting for folders instead of files should definitely reduce the number of things that need to be fed into tar, though.
---------- Post updated at 03:04 PM ---------- Previous update was at 02:45 PM ----------
If you're in Linux, you can avoid this limitation by feeding the filenames into tar with -T:
Last edited by Corona688; 09-23-2011 at 05:52 PM..
I an trying just the find command that you gave me but I am gettin the following error:
find: `\'!\'': No such file or directory
It does nothing of the sort when I copy-paste it into my shell, what did you actually do?
You still haven't put it in backticks, by the way, that's double-quotes. backticks are the same key as the tilde key minus the shift.
If I type it out in the command line like this:
find . ! -name . -type d -mtime +180 -prune
it works fine...any suggestions??
Solving simple problems with eval is like mowing the lawn with a flamethrower -- silly, difficult, dangerous, often touches things you didn't mean to, and the result is almost never exactly what you wanted. eval is to be avoided if you possibly can.
My suggestion is to use the code I gave you in the manner it's intended. Copy-paste it into your script, with comments or without, and it ought to work.
If my code doesn't do what you need, please explain what you're trying to do and I'll show you better ways to accomplish that than eval + backticks.
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