Align the values in column properly

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Align the values in column properly
# 1  
Old 09-23-2011
Align the values in column properly

This is my input,is it possible to do a bit of scripting on this to produce a properly alligned output.

-0.015 0.021 0.056 0.073 0.061 0.020 -0.038
-0.090 -0.113 -0.091 -0.025 0.064 0.141 0.170
0.130 0.027 -0.106 -0.215 -0.249 -0.181 -0.024
0.169 0.319 0.356 0.245 0.011 -0.262 -0.465
-0.497 -0.322 0.017 0.398 0.664 0.682 0.412
-0.073 -0.595 -0.934 -0.920 -0.511 0.174 0.877
1.300 1.224 0.611 -0.347 -1.286 -1.800 -1.609
-0.696 0.646 1.897 2.501 2.100 0.719 -1.188
-2.866 -3.537 -2.733 -0.552 2.279 4.603 5.245
3.519 -0.357 -5.125 -8.708 -8.786 -3.555 7.563
23.529 41.762 58.733 70.895 75.704 72.376 62.138
47.862 33.187 21.390 14.372 12.105 12.694 13.068
10.065 1.538 -12.849 -31.426 -50.960 -67.603 -78.021
-80.350 -74.675 -62.911 -48.148 -33.699 -22.165 -14.821

O/P should like this
Code: -cvbgh.kl
-ccc.vb   jjh.jk         0.00

that is decimal point point should be in a single line,whatsoever the values start with

Thanks in advance

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Video tutorial on how to use code tags in The UNIX and Linux Forums.

Last edited by Franklin52; 09-23-2011 at 12:06 PM.. Reason: Please use code tags, thank you
# 2  
Old 09-23-2011
come again... didn't get you...
show us a sample output from your input...

# 3  
Old 09-23-2011
awk '{printf ("%8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f .....etc\n", $1, $2, $3, ...)}'

You get a noddy badge if you do it with purely using shell-builtins and without spawning a process for every line of input.
# 4  
Old 09-23-2011
Hi Ahamed,
Sorry,the format got disturbed and its really hard to understand....
well i try to make it bit clear.
the output should not be dodgy as the i/p is, it should be bit aligned....
say after the decimal there are two digits(always) & how about if those two digits always follow a single staright line vertcally top to bottom...

thus all the values(irrespective of signs or number of digits will look properly aligned.),as if they are propely formatted.

Hope that makes sense.
# 5  
Old 09-23-2011
Hi Indra2011,

hartz's answer is correct. I will write the complete and working command. I hope it helps.
$ cat infile
-0.015 0.021 0.056 0.073 0.061 0.020 -0.038
-0.090 -0.113 -0.091 -0.025 0.064 0.141 0.170
0.130 0.027 -0.106 -0.215 -0.249 -0.181 -0.024
0.169 0.319 0.356 0.245 0.011 -0.262 -0.465
-0.497 -0.322 0.017 0.398 0.664 0.682 0.412
-0.073 -0.595 -0.934 -0.920 -0.511 0.174 0.877
1.300 1.224 0.611 -0.347 -1.286 -1.800 -1.609
-0.696 0.646 1.897 2.501 2.100 0.719 -1.188
-2.866 -3.537 -2.733 -0.552 2.279 4.603 5.245
3.519 -0.357 -5.125 -8.708 -8.786 -3.555 7.563
23.529 41.762 58.733 70.895 75.704 72.376 62.138
47.862 33.187 21.390 14.372 12.105 12.694 13.068
10.065 1.538 -12.849 -31.426 -50.960 -67.603 -78.021
-80.350 -74.675 -62.911 -48.148 -33.699 -22.165 -14.821
$ awk '{ for ( i = 1; i <= NF ; i++ ) { printf "%8.3f", $i }; printf "\n"; }' infile
  -0.015   0.021   0.056   0.073   0.061   0.020  -0.038
  -0.090  -0.113  -0.091  -0.025   0.064   0.141   0.170
   0.130   0.027  -0.106  -0.215  -0.249  -0.181  -0.024
   0.169   0.319   0.356   0.245   0.011  -0.262  -0.465
  -0.497  -0.322   0.017   0.398   0.664   0.682   0.412
  -0.073  -0.595  -0.934  -0.920  -0.511   0.174   0.877
   1.300   1.224   0.611  -0.347  -1.286  -1.800  -1.609
  -0.696   0.646   1.897   2.501   2.100   0.719  -1.188
  -2.866  -3.537  -2.733  -0.552   2.279   4.603   5.245
   3.519  -0.357  -5.125  -8.708  -8.786  -3.555   7.563
  23.529  41.762  58.733  70.895  75.704  72.376  62.138
  47.862  33.187  21.390  14.372  12.105  12.694  13.068
  10.065   1.538 -12.849 -31.426 -50.960 -67.603 -78.021
 -80.350 -74.675 -62.911 -48.148 -33.699 -22.165 -14.821

# 6  
Old 09-23-2011
Yeah, hartz solution will work.

I tried with %5.3f and it didn't work, so I thought it will never work and starting ended making this awk script .
When I was about to paste it, I saw birei's post. hee hee.

I am posting my awk code anyways. It will prefix zero's to make the number in proper format.

awk '
                if(a[i] == xxxx){
                        printf "\n";
                if(net > 0){
                        sub(/^-/,"-"val,a[i]) || sub(/^/,val,a[i])
                printf a[i]" "

}' input_file

# 7  
Old 09-23-2011
thanks all of you,it works
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