Managing awk return code over SSH command

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# 1  
Old 09-20-2011
Managing awk return code over SSH command

Hello all,

This bellow code works. I'm just trying to find a simplified way to achieve this. I'm sure there is an easier way and it must be to simple for me to find.

Verify that the OS version is 6.1. If not exit the script. Of course if i just put a && exit 1 at the end of the ssh command it returns true so the script exits.



OSVER=$(ssh -l root server1 "awk '\$7 != 6.1 {print \"NOTGOOD\"}' /etc/redhat-release")

if [ "$OSVER" == NOTGOOD ]; then
        echo "ERROR: This release is for RHEL 6.1"
        exit 1

# 2  
Old 09-20-2011
OSVER=$(ssh -l root server1 " grep -q '6.1' /etc/redhat-release && echo OK || echo NOTOK")
[ "$OSVER" = "NOTOK" ]  && echo 'bad OS version ' &&  exit 1

Is this what you mean? Using OK, NOTOK or words like that as returns from ssh calls is very clear and easy to maintain.
# 3  
Old 09-20-2011
Do you really need root to read /etc/redhat-release?? This seems dangerous.

You can use and check the return code instead of backticking text:
if ssh -l username host awk "' \$7 == \"6.1\" { exit 0 } END { exit 1 }'" /etc/redhat-release
        echo "Found version 6.1"
        echo "Not version 6.1"

# 4  
Old 09-21-2011
of course i don't need root for that. That was mainly for testing purposes. Good catch tho :-)

What i'm trying to do is get rid of the if loop.

[test the remote host for good version] - [good do nothing/not good exit]

I don't even need to manage the return code. Just exit if it doesn't find 6.1

A cleaner way than with an if loop.

Something like that....

[[ ssh -l user server1 "awk '\$7 !=6.1 {print \"NOTOK\"}' /etc/redhat-release" ]] && exit

# 5  
Old 09-21-2011
what is an "if loop"?

You can use my example directly since the logic for 'if program ; then ; else somethingelse ; fi' is the same logic for 'program || somethingelse'

ssh -l username host awk "' \$7 == \"6.1\" { exit 0 } END { exit 1 }'" || exit 1

# 6  
Old 09-21-2011
i get the logic behind your example but the exit code (on the remote host) somehow doesn't get back to the shell (on the local host).

It hangs and of course when i kill it it gets exit again.

Replacing the || exit 1 by || echo test from your example returns me

# ssh -l user server1 "awk '\$7 == /6.1/ { exit 0 } END { exit 1 }'" || echo test

Killed by signal 2.

# 7  
Old 09-21-2011
Somehow the filename got left off of that. awk was trying to read data from standard input.

ssh -l username host awk "' \$7 == \"6.1\" { exit 0 } END { exit 1 }'"  /etc/redhat-release || exit 1

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