Thanks for the fast response.
Nearly what I wanted.
But this puts the complete file into the first var and prints always the complete first var and not just the related lines.
File 2:
Your Output:
A B C1
A B C2
A B C3
^^ Prints A B and C always.
My wanted output
Used code:
Issue is, that you assigned the complete "cat FileONE" to your var outside of the loop.
This is why i wanted to use these foreach with two lists. But other working solutions are also welcome.
---------- Post updated at 07:17 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:17 AM ----------
paste will create a space
can you show me how i can use now this in a script with usage of the vars? (nawk BEGIN usage?)
I want to use each element for my commands.
so for example like:
In your example I want to use in my script these vars: a[k]b[k]
Just don't know how to access them in the script (how to run your awk command there)
---------- Post updated 20th Sep 2011 at 02:44 PM ---------- Previous update was 19th Sep 2011 at 04:32 PM ----------
Still not able to get the wanted result... hanging still on the print issue...
With paste and without does not print out what I want...
with paste I do not see any other printouts as the files
^^ i see no COMMAND and neither COMMAND_OPTION ^^
Tried with one print and multiple
Tried with one printf and usage of both %s
with double quotes and single quotes - with brakets and w/o...
don't know why I do not see my wanted printout.
Hello Everyone,
I have the following codes that only works for the first login element. I can't get it work with the second and third login credentials. Can anyone here see the problem?
I ran the code with host1, it works as expect. see below:
# ./ host1
Trying to connect... (3 Replies)
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use a foreach command with two lists. The file.txt looks like this:
var1: 100 200 300
var2: 3 6 9
I'm trying to use a foreach command to associate the two variables together. My script looks like this:
#! /bin/tcsh
set a=(`cat file.txt | grep 'var1' | cut -d... (8 Replies)
I have a foreach loop in a csh script and I noticed that it tries to find the files with the pattern *$searchpt* in the file name. I'm confused as I never specified checking for the files.
foreach f ( *$searchpt* )
set fnew = `echo $f | awk -v searchpat=$searchpt \
... (1 Reply)
I am trying to create an ssh script to login to cisco routers and activate/deactivate bgp neighbors if they match certain conditions. I dont think my "if" and "foreach" are working correctly. Any help is appreciated. Below is my script:
... (0 Replies)
OK, so I am extremely rusty and am just getting back to Unix after 9 years.
I'm stuck on something easy. I want to search line-by-line for a string in a file, and I want to do this to a series of files in a directory.
This works fine to do the search:
while read i; do grep $i file2; done... (3 Replies)
Hi everyone
Does anyone know what is wrong with this script. i keep getting errors
foreach filename (`cat testing1`)
set string=$filename
set depth=`echo "$string"
echo $depth
the error is the following
testing: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
testing: line 1:... (3 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I have a loop which uses a wildcard
i.e. foreach f (*)
but when I execute the tcsh file in unix then it gives me an error
->>>>>>>foreach: words not parenthesized<<<<<<<<<<-
Any help. (1 Reply)
I'm having a small issue here and I can't get it to work. I'm programming a script for bash and I need to do something to all the folder in a directory. So I'm in the directory and I want to use the foreach statement but I dont know how to reference all the folders of that directory. To make... (7 Replies)
foreach x (67402996 67402998)
grep -a x FINAL2006.dat >> MISSING_RECORDS.dat
I'm trying to pass a list to the variable x, and then grep for that string in FINAL2006.dat...
Final2006.dat is in the same folder as my .sh file. I call this with a .cmd file...
At any rate,... (6 Replies)